Taiyuan University of Technology's 2023 Invitation to Domestic and Foreign Talents
2023-02-20 21:08:00

  Taiyuan University of Technology is a century institution with a long history, profound heritage and distinctive characteristics, located in Taiyuan, a national historical and cultural city with a history of more than 2,500 years. Its predecessor was Shanxi University Tangxi Xue Zhuanzhai, founded in 1902, and is one of the first three national university halls in China. In 1953, the school was established independently, named Taiyuan Institute of Technology, directly under the Ministry of Higher Education; In 1962, it was transferred to Shanxi Province; In 1984, it was renamed Taiyuan University of Technology. In 1997, Taiyuan University of Technology merged with Shanxi Mining Institute (founded in 1958), which was directly under the Ministry of Coal Industry, to form Taiyuan University of Technology, and in the same year, it became one of the key construction universities of the national "211 Project", opening a new chapter of reform and development. In 2017, the school was selected as a national "Double First-class" key construction university, ushering in a new period of development. For more than 100 years, the school has always adhered to the school motto of "truth-seeking and innovative", adhered to the school-running tradition of "people-oriented, cultural and sports as the boat, carrying morality and wisdom, and all-round development", demonstrated the spiritual temperament of "daring to be the first, daring to compete, and daring to innovate", and emerged a group of academic masters, industry leaders and moral models, such as the famous educator Zhao Zongfu, the "father of PetroChina" Sun Jianchu, China's "precambrian geology pioneer and founder" Wang Yuelun, circular arc gear expert Zhu Jingzi, "one of the pioneers in the field of coal chemical science and technology" Xie Kechang, "model intellectual" Luan Ming, "grassland servant" Yun Bulong, etc., profoundly interpret the noble pursuit of the century-old school of "educating talents from all over the world and educating a new generation to serve the country".

  The school focuses on engineering, combines science and engineering, and coordinates multidisciplinary development, covering 8 categories such as science, engineering, economics, law, education, literature, management, and art, and has 24 professional colleges and 1 Sino-foreign cooperative school. At present, there are four campuses in Mingxiang, Yingxi, Huyu and Berlin, covering an area of 2.13 million square meters and a total construction area of 1.69 million square meters. Up to now, the school has 40,311 full-time students, 475 international students, and 4,039 faculty and staff. At present, there are 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 10 dual-appointment academicians, 8 distinguished (chair) professors of the "Yangtze River Scholars Award Program" of the Ministry of Education, 9 winners of the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars, and 17 national candidates of the "New Century Millions of Talents Project". The school was selected as a pilot university of the national "three comprehensive education" comprehensive reform and top 50 universities in innovation and entrepreneurship, and won the title of the first batch of "National Civilized Campus".

  The school closely focuses on the "student-centered" school philosophy, adheres to the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people and the goal of building a first-class university, and is committed to cultivating socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor. At present, 21 majors of the school have passed the international engineering education professional certification, and 30 majors have been selected as national first-class undergraduate professional construction points; Various innovative teams have repeatedly achieved good results in domestic and foreign competitions, and the results of college student discipline competitions have ranked among the top 50 universities in China; In 2021, it won 4 gold awards in the 7th China International "Internet +" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, ranking 9th in the national university gold medal ranking; The "Qingze Heart Rain" ideological and political platform was approved as a high-quality project of ideological and political work in colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education, and "Screw House" was selected as a national demonstration site for learning from Lei Feng. The school attaches great importance to and strives to build an all-round and multi-level sports work pattern and a positive and healthy campus cultural atmosphere, and has achieved remarkable results in competitive sports, and is the only university in China that has won two national championships in men's basketball and men's football.

  The school has strong scientific research strength and outstanding achievements, and has undertaken the National Key Basic Research and Development Program (973 Program) projects twice in a row as the chief scientist unit, and has undertaken a total of 1634 national-level projects such as the "863" Program and the "National Key Research and Development Program"; Won 42 national science and technology three awards. The university has 1 state key laboratory jointly established by the province and the ministry, 4 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, 2 innovation teams of the Ministry of Education, and 1 innovation team in key fields of the Ministry of Science and Technology. In recent years, the school has strived to build an intellectual engine that serves the national and regional economic and social development, and has created more than 10 billion yuan in economic benefits for local and industry enterprises in terms of achievement transformation and technology transfer.

  "Beside the Fenhe River, an excellent university". Guided by the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinpeng, the university will not forget its original intention, keep its mission in mind, take promoting social progress, realizing national prosperity and strength, and seeking human well-being as its own responsibility, and unswervingly move forward towards the goal of building a comprehensive research-oriented high-level first-class university.

  Taiyuan University of Technology warmly invites domestic and foreign talents to join Taiyuan University of Technology!

  1、 Recruitment position

  There are seven levels: academic masters, outstanding talents, leading talents, academic leaders, elite talents, young talents and innovative talents.

  2、 Recruitment conditions

  1. Abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good scientific ethics, and consciously practice the spirit of scientists in the new era;

  2. Academic masters (generally no more than 70 years old), outstanding talents (generally no more than 57 years old), leading talents (generally no more than 55 years old), academic leaders (generally no more than 45 years old), elite talents (professors no more than 55 years old, associate professors no more than 45 years old), young talents (generally no more than 40 years old), innovative talents (generally no more than 50 years old).

  3. Achieve scientific research achievements recognized by peer experts.

  4. Professor, associate professor and postdoctoral researcher of high-level universities at home and abroad; Connect with the enterprise leading talents and technical backbone urgently needed by the 14 major industries in Shanxi Province; Other high-level talents with equivalent academic level can apply.

  3、 Treatment

  4、 Recruitment method

  The applicant must log in to the "high-level talent introduction system of Taiyuan University of Technology", http://rcb.tyut.edu.cn/. After registration and login, submit your resume and other relevant materials according to the introduction process.

  5. Contact information

  Contact information of talent work office

  Contact: Teacher Wu Tel: 0351-3176892

  Address: Room B1006, Administrative Building, Mingxiang Campus, Taiyuan University of Technology

  Website: http://rcb.tyut.edu.cn/

  Email: tylgrcb@163.com


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