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Qingdao University Faculty Recruitment Announcement

金宝搏188入口     2017-03-30    

  Qingdao University, located in Qingdao, Shang Dong province, China, is a key multi-disciplinary university of Shang Dong Province with a history over 100 years old. Lying across the Shandong Peninsula and looking out to the Yellow Sea, Qingdao was named China's most livable city by the Chinese Institute of City Competitiveness and was selected as one of 13 national central cities by China central government. In 2016, Qingdao ranks 79th across the world in the Global Financial Centre Index.

  The newlyestablished Qingdao Cancer Institute for advanced cancer research and precision therapy is supported financially, academically, and technically byQingdao University and Qingdao city government.Qingdao Cancer Institute provides a world-class and stimulating academic environment with state-of-the-art research facility, professional administrative staff, and logistic support.The institute is committed to fight cancer through scientific breakthroughs, prevention, early diagnosis, and effective therapies.The types of research performed at the institute will focus on four key areas: basic science, translational research, clinical research, and prevention and personalized risk assessment.

  The institute invites applications for a number of open-rank faculty positions, which are immediately available. Applicants should have a Ph. D and/or M.D degree, with postdoctoral training experience in a closely related filed, and a strong record of research accomplishments. The successful candidates will be expected to develop world-class research programs and teach classes at both undergraduate and graduate levels at Qingdao University. The Institute will provide attractive salary, start-up fund, housing allowance, and other benefits. All applicants should send a cover letter, acurriculum vitae with a publication list, a research proposal (3-4 pages) in a signal PDF file through an email to:qdcanceri@hotmail.com.Three reference letters should be sent directly from referees to the above email address. The application will be reviewed until the positions are filled.


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