美国驻中国北京大使馆EducationUSA代表团与金宝搏188入口 达成合作共识
2024-02-04 11:34

  The EducationUSA delegation from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and China Education Online have reached a consensus on cooperation.

  (北京,1月24日)- 为加强中美文化教育交流,美国驻中国北京大使馆公共事务处的Christopher Willford先生、Sunny Cote女士以及EducationUSA办公室的Yu Ye、Liu Yanchun和Wu Di女士一行,前往金宝搏188入口 进行访问。在会议正式开始之前,双方代表参观了金宝搏188入口 位于北京的办公场所,并展开了深入的交流与讨论。

  (Beijing, January 24) - Mr. Christopher Willford and Ms. Sunny Cote from the Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, China, and Ms. Yu Ye, Liu Yanchun and Wu Di from the EducationUSA office visited China Education Online. At the meeting, representatives from both sides visited the office of China Education Online in Beijing and had in-depth exchanges and discussions.

  金宝搏188入口 董事长刘玉明向来宾介绍了金宝搏188入口 的发展历程、业务内容以及优势资源。他强调,金宝搏188入口 作为中国最大的教育资讯和服务平台,致力于为中国院校提供全方位服务,并对学生提供最权威的升学信息。他还强调了金宝搏188入口 在专家库的权威性、数据库的完整性、平台技术、可触达受众数量、公益性等方面的优势。

  Chairman Liu Yuming of China Education Online introduced the development history, business scope, and advantageous resources of China Education Online to the guests. He emphasized that as the largest education information and service platform in China, China Education Online is committed to providing comprehensive services for Chinese institutions and delivering the most authoritative information on academic advancement to students. He also highlighted the advantages of China Education Online in terms of the authority of its expert pool, the completeness of its database, platform technology, the size of its accessible audience, and its non-profit nature.

  Christopher Willford先生介绍了EducationUSA的工作范畴,并分享了在美学习的国际学生最新数据与趋势。他强调,EducationUSA作为美国国务院下属的教育推广机构,致力于为国际学生提供准确可靠的留学信息和资源支持。

  Mr. Christopher Willford introduced the work scope of EducationUSA and shared the latest data and trends of international students studying in the United States. He emphasized that EducationUSA, as the official resources under the U.S. Department of State, is committed to providing international students with accurate and reliable study abroad information and resource support.

  金宝搏188入口 执行总编任蕾向来宾介绍了中国高考历年数据和中国留学现状及趋势。她提供了关于中国学生留学目的地、专业选择和留学趋势的详细信息。

  Executive Editor-in-chief Ren Lei of China Education Online presented to the guests the historical data of China's National College Entrance Examination (Gaokao) and the current situation and trends of Chinese studying abroad. She provided detailed information about the preferred destinations, major selections, and overall trends among Chinese students pursuing overseas education.

  在交流和讨论中,双方代表一致认为借助EducationUSA的美国188金宝搏beat官网登录 网络和金宝搏188入口 强大的资源优势,线上线下内容相结合提供准确的赴美留学资讯,将共同助力国际教育发展。双方就具体方案和合作模式达成了共识,并表示将共同努力推动中美188金宝搏beat官网登录 领域的合作与交流。

  当天下午,金宝搏188入口 还与多所美国高校线上见面,互相了解并表达了进一步合作愿望。

  During the discussion, representatives from both parties agreed to utilize EducationUSA’s network and China Education Online, through online and offline platforms to promote arcuate information on studying in the United States. The two parties reached a consensus on specific plans and cooperation models, and stated that they would work together to promote education exchanges between China and the United States.

  In the afternoon of the same day, China Education Online also met online with a number of American universities to get to know each other and express their desire for further cooperation.


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