Something to say at such a day
Every Teachers' Day, I always receive many blessing messages from my former students, which says they miss me so much and want to thank me. These words also bring back so many sweet memories and the past days are back.
In fact, I would like to thank every boy or girl who has met me. It is your appearance that makes my day colorful; it is your existence that makes my work meaningful; and it is your love for me that makes my life so memorable. Thank you all!
And there is also something I want to say to my students now. Though we have just known each other for only several days, I also want to express my appreciation to you. Thank you for being my students, thank you for your wishes, and thank you for every minutes with me.
And I especially want to express my appreciation to my dear teachers. Having been a teacher for more than 20 years, I almost forget that I was once a student, and I also had many caring and helpful teachers who gave me so much help and guidance which led me to where I am today. So they are the very persons I need to thank at such a day. Happy Teachers' Day, my dear teachers. Thank you so much.
Being a teacher is such an enjoyable and rewarding thing, and it has offered me too much happiness. Thanks for everyone and everything this career has brought me.
(专访:英语教师 乔冠琼)
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