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http://mba.eol.cnMBA中国网 2016-05-17  




  入学之前的这段时间 应该怎么过才是真正的顶级MBA范儿?









BiMBA商学院联席院长杨壮:思考人生终极问题 开启MBA旅程

  Dear prospective BiMBA students:

  Welcome to BiMBA, one of the best international MBA schools in China.

  I understand it must have been difficult for you to select BiMBA because of multiple choices. But I congratulate you onmaking the right decision because BiMBA, dating back to 1998, has its unique brand and cultural legacy. It has beenranked top schools by leading business magazines.

  BiMBA operates under the umbrella of NSD,the National School of development, which is one of the leading think tanks providing ideas for China’s economic development. BiMBA is located within the campus of Peking University, heavily influenced by PKU’s core values for independent personality, social consciousness and freedom of thoughts. BiMBA has been working with leading US and European business schools over the yearsand focuses on global values and perspectives.

  What should you do and get well prepared before coming to BiMBA? In addition to reading books of relevant businesssubjects such as finance, accounting, strategy, marketing and leadership, Istrongly suggest you engage in serious thoughts and reflection on the followingquestions:

  1)Who am I? Where do I come from?Where am I going to be? The seemingly simple questions will strongly impactyour studies at BiMBA and guide you through learning environments in Beijing.To answer these questions, you must search internally your values and beliefs,as well as personality and character. Having faith in love, knowledge, courageand integrity will guide you through your studies smoothly in China, which is undergoing great social and economic transformation, faced with opportunitiesand challenges. In the absence of core beliefs, it will be tough for you tomake the right judgment and do the right things while being in China.

  2)What should be my goal in life?What do I want to do upon graduation? What is my dreaming job after I havecompleted my studies? Steven Jobs is a great role model for us to find answersto these questions. Jobs knew what he loved the most. He did what he should dobecause of his love for computers. He was intensely curious about new thingsand had strong interests in new discoveries. He was never opportunistic norutilitarian in his pursuit of ultimate goals in life. The thought of becomingthe richest man on earth had never occurred to him. But he was a man of greatmission and dreams to change the world.

  3)How should I cope with cultural differences? What should I do if reality is below my expectations? How do Idevelop relationships with students from different social and culturalbackground? Should I and can I mingle with local students with different politicalviews and cultural habits? Am I capable of tolerating different ideas and personalities? Am I a positive person with growth mindset or I am pessimistic with “fixed” mindset? Cross cultural differences are real and really toughissues that you have to constantly cope with.

  Dear students, I am confident that as long as you are seriously thinking about these questions and eventually finding answers to them, it is highly possible that you will start your learning atBiMBA with positive and growth mindset. You will NOT be scared by challenges and difficulties. Besides you will find it fun to study and learn in acompletely different cultural environments.

  Good luck dear new students! A good beginning is half done.


BiMBA商学院学术委员会主任马浩:想象MBA生涯 做好战略布局

  Dear BiMBA Class 2016:

  Welcome to the BiMBA family!

  As you are anxiously looking forward to the prospect of starting your MBA studies at BiMBA, you may naturally wonder about how you should go prepare for this exciting journey. Well, sit back and relax. For the moment, at least.

  As a strategic management professor, I'm not going to recommend any strategy books that you should read in advance,or any books, for that matter. You'll have plenty of time to read stuff once you are in school.

  Instead, I would like to encourage you to imagine how you want to feel about and conclude on your MBA career two years from now. With the conjecturing of your potential destinyin mind, perhaps you could reason back and have a better sense of what the importantthings are for your to focus on now.

  As you prepare for the new beginning, Iwould recommend that you ponder over the following questions:

  • How would I want to see myself upon my graduation two years from now?

  • What are the ideal knowledge structure,skill repertoire, professional expertise, and social network I should developon the way?

  • What are the major strengths of NSD that I could benefit from?

  • What are the unique opportunities afforded by Vlerick that I could take advantage of?

  • Besides formal curriculum, how do I bestlearn from my peers?

  • How do I best capitalize on the potential opportunities provided by the BiMBA alumni network?

  Well, these are some questionsyou should begin to think about. They do not cover all the ground, but at least some of the major aspects. These are also the questions that will help guide you through your BiMBA career. I just want to throw them out for you so thatyou could begin living with them. Of course, I fully understand that, for now,you may not have any relevant information to form any judgment.

  Anyway, please do enjoy the break you have between now and the Fall semester. Once you are in,expect a deadly tight schedule and relentless tough challenges!

  In the end, strategy or strategizing is about coping and improvising with a broad and vague sense of direction.Systematic planning might help. But not much. You couldnot plan for things you could not imagine or foresee. Once you are in,there will be plenty of surprises. Worry about 'em then. For now, relax and enjoy!








  有人可能会问: 创新创业是可以学习的吗? 这里用一个浅显的比喻来说明这个问题。有人可能靠自己在水里扑腾就学会了游泳,但很难想象没有教练指导的游泳选手能够取得世界冠军。自己扑腾虽然没有淹死,但只能游狗刨式。通过正规的学习可以游多种泳姿,并且游得更快更美!

  那么如果你希望成为一个有创新能力,有创业精神的人,应该在就读北京大学国家发展研究院之前做什么准备呢?我给你三个建议: 第一个建议是勇于实践。对于创新创业的学习,没有什么比实践更重要了。就如同不下水的人永远学不会游泳。当然,实践有多种形式,可以是创办一个新的企业,领导公司内的新项目,还可以包括推动或参与企业的变革和创新,甚至可以包括观察,了解其它企业创新创业的案例。 但是仅有实践是不够的。很多人实践很多,但不擅于总结,创业多少次就失败多少次。所以我的第二个建议是学会发问和思考。传统的教育让我们习惯于接受事实,而缺乏对现实的挑战精神。创新创业者首先需要学会问“为什么?”“为什么不?”和“如果…会怎样?”如果滴滴的创始人程维不去挑战打车难的现状,Netflix的创始人Hastings默默接受了Blockbuster租录像带的滞纳金,两个成功的企业不会诞生,我们的生活也就不会因为他们而变得更加美好和方便。 我的第三个建议是去广泛地体验。抓住商机的先决条件是要能够识别商机。当马云在90年代对他的18罗汉团队充满激情地讲电子商务之梦时,大多数人恐怕还不懂互联网是什么。为什么有的人能够具备发现商机的能力呢?研究显示,机会识别与人的认知能力有关,而这种能力的形成需要深入且广泛的经验积累。如果有可能,尽可能多地丰富你的工作和生活的体验,扩大你的知识面和知识储备。到BiMBA来上学绝对是一种拓宽人生体验的机会。希望你能抓住这个难得的机会,从北京大学深厚的历史与传统里,从国家发展研究院兼具国家高度和国际视野的课堂上,从BiMBA多元而精彩的同学校友中,尽可能地学习和成长。


  《创新者的窘境》 By Clayton Christensen

  《创新者的基因》 By Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen & Clayton Christensen

  《从0到1》 By Peter Thiel

  《创业维艰》 By Ben Horowitz

  《将心注入》 By Howard Schultz & Dori Jones Yang


  商学院的金融学可以划分为资产定价(asset pricing)和公司金融(corporate finance, 也有翻译为公司理财)两个大的方向。



  1. 熟练掌握财务会计和财务分析知识。财务会计是金融和商业的语言,财务报表分析是最基本的分析工具。所以这是后续金融方面学习的基础。参考读物:《财务会计 [Introduction to Financial Accounting]》

  2. 了解金融学入门或者投资学的基本框架。熟悉基本的资产定价模型。参考教材:《投资学[Investments]》

  3. 了解公司金融学的基本框架。能够掌握几种主要的财务决策对企业价值的影响。参考教材:《公司理财》



  比如美国著名的四大职业联盟是如何运营的,这些联盟及其相关俱乐部的盈利模式如何。登录和浏览这些联盟和俱乐部的网站、研读相关论文和报道,很容易获取这些信息。 其次,要了解当前我国的体育产业、健康产业政策以及行业布局情况,目前国务院已经出台一系列相关文件、行业内大企业的布局如火如荼,了解和接触相关业内政策研究和企业战略管理专家,相信可以具体了解政策制定者和产业布局者的动力和理念。 最后,补足经济学、管理学的基础理论和土地、融资、并购、税收等基础知识,相信可以建构自己审视体育产业、健康产业最新动态和一些特殊个案的能力,形成一流的案例分析和战略构架能力。

  北大国发院BiMBA商学院2016 MBA招生正在进行中, 为便于申请人更好的了解BiMBA项目,获取个性化的职业发展和MBA报考建议,我们在北京大学和CBD地区分别开放一对一咨询活动。




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