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http://mba.eol.cn  金宝搏188入口 2014-08-05  


  1. 当前社会上存在很多不诚实的现象

  2. 诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实

  3 .总结

  The society has never been an ideal one in that every day the general public is actually flooded by deceptions and lies published on the Internet or on TV. For instance in the world of business, many authentic products are mixed with the fake ones. Even in the academic field, cheating in examinations is not uncommon. A piece of evidence is that a governmental official let out the CET4 paper last year.

  But as the moral and ethic tells, human beings should be honest in many cases. Because to be honest can benefit both sides of a business, honesty is emphasized by almost each religion in the long course of human civilization. Being honest is constructive to an individual because it stands for human virtue. In fact it is just this virtue that shapes/ builds one’s success in life, works, and study. It also contributes to other people for human naturally hates being cheated. For example any dishonesty in academy deserves formidable punishment. Another example comes from the daily life between families. Suppose a wife or a husband cheats, to break might be the outcome.

  Therefore I will do anything in the future with honesty. And I also advocate that all people be honest to others around them.


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