MBA联考英语写作练习题3 金宝搏188入口 2014-08-05 大中小
Since their coming into being, automobiles have been significantly contributing to human industries, agricultures, and even the daily lives.
It is automobiles that have been shaping and reflecting the ways humans work and think. They accelerate the sustainable economic development. They boost industries. They also catalyze scientific research.
But nobody can deny that automobiles have also exerted some unfavorable impacts on social and economic fabric. First of all, they have seriously polluted the environment in which humans survive. Secondly, traffic jam wastes lots of time. Finally, they also waste the money, especially in metropolis.
My opinion is that in the foreseeable future, scientists will be able to solve all problems. Exactly, human will eventually be able to minimize the harmful effects of automobiles, whereas their advantages can be maximized.
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