http://mba.eol.cn金宝搏188入口 2015-05-27 大中小
1. Our university has an international student exchange _______ with the University of Wyoming in the United States.
A. Procession B. Provision C. profession D. program
2. He ________ of me the best way to go.
A. investigated B. inquired C. frightened D. resorted
3. Mr. White tried to _______ this job through the influence of his father.
A. Harness B. fetch C. curse D. obtain
4. This light shelf is strong enough to _______ all the books here.
A. wipe B.wax C. survey D. sustain
5. The _______ Court is the highest court in the United States.
A. Vital B. Thunder C. Reverse D. Supreme
1.D 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.D
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