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http://mba.eol.cn    新东方在线  2012-08-17    


  1.Microsoft insisted that Windows NT should be used on every type of computer, from notebook-size ___ ones to the huge ones that fill data centers.

  A) portable
  B) mobile
  C) slight
  D) domestic

  2.It was nearly Christmas, and the children were in high ___.
  A) moods
  B) spirits
  C) tempers
  D) hearts

  3.Scientists have discovered a close ___ between smoking and several serious diseases.
  A) contact
  B) connection
  C) communication
  D) combination

  4.We have enormous reserves of oil still waiting to be ___.
  A) deposited
  B) disposed
  C) tackled
  D) tapped

  5.He grew very angry when he realized how he had been ___ out of his money.
  A) tricked
  B) plotted
  C) deceived
  D) robbed

  6.The cars were___because it was impossible to go any further in the fog.
  A) sacrificed
  B) transported
  C) abandoned
  D) removed

  7.The president ___ the nation on the subject of war and peace.
  A) remarked
  B) addressed
  C) debated
  D) commented

  8.He ___me to take a lawyer to court with me.
  A) advised
  B) suggested
  C) demanded
  D) insisted

  9.The police ___ him of participation in the robbery.
  A) distrusted
  B) questioned
  C) suspected
  D) doubted

  10.The government is ___ to reassure everyone that the situation is under control.
  A) worried
  B) anxious
  C) concerned
  D) desirable

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