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http://mba.eol.cn  金宝搏188入口 2011-08-05  


 Section I Use of English

  Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on Answer Sheet 1 (10 points)

  History has served up important lessons that show what happens when a company or individual tries to avoid _1_ the existence of a crisis. Look _2_ to the Exxon Valdez oil tanker fiasco when Exxon chief Lawrence Bawl stonewalled journalists. _3_ that official silence did was fuel the distrust of the public and cause a backlash where customers cut their Exxon credit cards _4_ disgust. The _5_ side of the coin is the classic Johnson & Johnson (J & J) Tylenol tampering case. In that instance, where some kook poisoned bottles of Tylenol, J&J's CEO James Burke acknowledged the crisis _6_ its first night and ordered all Tylenol _7_ the supermarket shelves until the situation was _8_.

  Now which corporate executive do you think came out on top? By acknowledging the _9_, James Burke was able to get everyone moving together toward a solution. With Exxon's _10_ to acknowledge the Valdez oil spill, everyone was _11_ in pointing the blame versus working together toward a solution. Acknowledgement up front not only appeases your customers, but also _12_ the opportunity for your competitors to _13_ or capitalize on false rumors. You remove the competitor's trump card. By the time Exxon came around to acknowledging _14_ happened with that oil spill in Alaska, it had to _15_ with the public-relations nightmare of dispelling all of the untruths that developed lives of their own before the company could _16_ deal with the real problem situation.

  _17_ yourself a favor and acknowledge a disastrous incident up front. Then get to work making things work better. Remember, by acknowledging a disaster, we aren't suggesting that you _18_ and accept blame. Acknowledging the situation is merely an act of admitting that it _19_ exist and creates an atmosphere _20_ to moving toward a solution.

  1. A. abandoning B. acknowledging C. accounting D. advancing

  2. A. about B. back C. around D. with

  3. A. All the B. The all C. All of D. All

  4. A. in B. on C. at D. by

  5. A. passive B. persuasive C. opposite D. occasional

  6. A. on B. at C. in D. by

  7. A. off B. of C. aside D. except

  8. A. dissolved B. resolved C. revolved D. involved

  9. A. critic B. criticize C. crisis D. critical

  10. A. diffuse B. diffusion C. refuse D. refusal

  11. A. dissolved B. resolved C. revolved D. involved

  12. A. estimate B. eliminate C. emigrate D. educate

  13. A. shrink B. strain C. spread D. stain

  14. A. this B. which C. that D. what

  15. A. deal B. dispose C. work D. handle

  16. A. effectively B. efficiently C. feasibly D. formally

  17. A. Work B. Do C. Take D. Make

  18. A. apologize B. appease C. applaud D. appeal

  19. A. do B. does C. did D. done

  20. A. conduce B. conductible C. conducive D. conductive


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