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金宝搏188入口 讯2013年一月MBA考试在即,金宝搏188入口 提醒广大考生,MBA英语作文其实不难,考之前最好多背一些模板,很有用的。以下是MBA英语大作文三大模板,希望对MBA学员有所帮助!
As is vividly/symbolically depicted in the picture/cartoon,we can notice that____
Through the thought-provoking illustration, the drawer aims to point out that attention has to be paid to ___. (解释现象,一两句话足矣). There is no telling how our future will precisely be if we allow this phenomenon continue as it is, however, absolutely will it be a prospect horrifies everyone. By that time, social stability will on the edge of precipice.
So to sum up, it is imperative for us to envisage realities and take effective measures before the situation turns from bad to worse. For one thing, our authorities should exercise strict control over___. (___). For another, we should cultivate the awareness of people that ___ is very vital to us. (___). As is often the case, it is our unconscious behavior that aggravate the problem. Only in this way can we curb the current evil phenomenon revealed in the picture and develop a harmonious social atmosphere.
1: To serve as responsible stewards of the planet,we should reject the false behaviour and comply with the code of conduct consciously.
2: behaviors which harm public order or violate social ethics
3: we should respect the surrounding w living in and behavior as a literate person.
4: Nowadays, the absence of fundamental social ethic of many, if not the most, people may lead to a serious consequence.
5: 道德方面 ___has always been the traditional virtue of Chinese culture for thousands of years.2013年一月MBA联考备战时间表
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