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2024-04-22 17:37:59 来源:金宝搏188入口




①针对“年轻人能否做leader”的雅思写作话题,有人首句:When it comes to selecting a group leader, the older people always take precedence over young one.

②针对“老一辈的传统观念是否还适用于现在的社会”的雅思写作话题,有人首句:Past ideas are precious treasures of human beings.

③针对“将一些产业从大城市搬迁到周边地区的利弊”的雅思写作话题,有人首句:There is no denying that encouraging industries or businesses walk out densely populated cities will diminish the inequality between urban and rural areas.

④针对“国际旅游有时会导致偏见”的雅思写作话题,有人首句:People loves to travel, and some of them choose to travel around the world especially as the development of modern technologies, providing easy access to numerous information of beautiful scenery on our planet.

这些雅思写作导入段的首句,作为给考官留下第一印象的句子,是否起到了相应的作用呢?很明显,作用是相反的。我不分析这些句子的其他方面,只是单纯从它是事实还是观点上来解读。众所周知,第一句应该是话题的背景句,一般说来,应该作为一个事实的陈述,而烤鸭们却习惯从这儿就开始了说教。①中的the older people always take precedence over young one,一定如此么? ②中的precious treasures,我表示反对;③中的there is no denying that,我要否认;④中的people loves to travel,死宅一族表示没这个爱好。

相信大家可以发现这些首句的问题了:永远不要用你对事物的认知当成是所有人的认知。每一个人都可能会在这一点上出错。我曾经在“互联网教育对社会的影响”的话题上提出“互联网教育使得社会更加公平”的观点。我认为它的正确性毋庸置疑,所以言辞凿凿地说得像是公理一般。但一个老外说我提出的这个观点“shocking”,因为在他看来,从全球来看,能自由地使用网络的人,其实还是少数,互联网教育的盛行会进一步扩大我们这些幸运的网民一族与其他无网络一族的信息gap,反而使得社会更为不公平。可谓“一语惊醒梦中人”,很多时候,我们会进入这种认知的误区而浑然不觉,所以在表达时的谨慎特别重要。雅思作文中的很多关键的句子,一定要斟酌一番才能敲定。即使你要表达同样的内容,尽量带上I think, I argue, in my point of view之类的字眼,来表明这是你个人的观点,这样你的观点即使再shocking,人们也可以接受。或者改变自己的措辞方式,软化口吻,使得你提出来的这个说法比较的中肯,能被大多数人接受,这个时候,它就可以作为事实来看待了。比如”people love to travel“,我可以将其改为”travel is now a lifestyle that many people enjoy“。比如”past ideas are precious treasures of human beings” 我可以将其改为”traditional ideas so often can find their way back to the modern world and get their place in it“


直接搬出一篇雅思大作文习作,来make my point.

Nowadays, we have different way of life than our parents. We tend to criticize their thoughts and concepts for being not fit to such a fast growing society. However, some traditional ideas, in my opinion, are more valuable and should be inherited.

First, most principles, though dating from the past, own their values to the present and the future because they are the essences of our ancestors’ wisdom. They play significant roles in keep our society sustainable development from one generation to another. It is the heritage of traditional opinions that enables us to be frugal for living materials, natural and social resources. In contrast, if we judge the old ideas simply by its fit for modern times, it is more likely to deny those for which we are desperately look.

Meanwhile, it is noticeable that some tradition thoughts and concepts are increasingly integrated into modern world, especially in the domain of fashion design. The trend of back-to-ancients is a vivid demonstration in which the blend of traditional elements and modern design wins the popularity among younger generation. In this way, it seems arbitrary to assume that older generation’s traditional ideas are not the right way in the present age.

Despite, we still acknowledge that part of stereotypes desperately need to be reviewed or abandoned. Some obsolete viewpoints only followed the trend in the past and do not catch up the new generation due to their limitation. For example, gender discrimination existed in the past time but has been argued by the modern society, in which we advocate that females are able to have equal opportunities to chase their dreams, just like males do.

Therefore, it is carelessly to make a sweeping generalization that old traditions are not suitable to modern lives. It is rational to preserve those valuable and correct traditional ethics and discard the incompatible ones.

可以找一找这篇语言底子不错的雅思大作文,在句式使用上的一个特点,就是“It is”句型的泛滥,在全文的分布是:第2段,2次;第3段,2次;第5段,2次。最过分的就是第5段,只有2句话,就用了2次it is 句型。

笔者对此做的点评:我忍不住要重重地提醒你,你的全文中使用it is +adj的次数过多过滥,不信?你可以看看你的结论段。不要认为这种表达用得越多越好。使用这种表达,在我看来,是一种逃避责任的表达方式,因为你可以轻松地省去主语,用较为隐晦的方式来表达观点。

在雅思写作中,有些时候,出于某些需要,我们会选择使用某种句型。但如果因为习惯了不假思索的使用,而让自己的文章显得程式化,得不偿失。这6句,第一句之前已经做出了修改:Traditional ideas teach us to be frugal and always save for the future. 第2句” if we judge the old ideas simply by its fit for modern times, it is more likely to deny those for which we are desperately look“可修改为”If judging the old ideas simply by whether it is fit for modern times, we are more likely to miss what we desperately seek.“



开头:阐述题目背景 + 改写题目中的不同观点 + 挑明个人倾向

支持的一方:主旨句 + 支持观点(1,2,…)+ 论证(1,2,…)

反对的一方:主旨句 + 反对观点 + 论证 + 反驳反对方

结尾:总结个人观点 + 建议



题目:Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, some people argue that international tourism creates problems rather than benefits. Do you agree or disagree?




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