2024-04-22 13:45:38 来源:金宝搏188入口
随着人们经济水平的提高,对于很多家庭来说,留学不再是一个可望而不可及的事情,许多人都想要留学,那其中雅思口语描述一次迷路?针对这个问题,下面金宝搏188入口 小编就来和大家分享一下。
At first, we followed the trail and everything was going smoothly. But after a while, we realized that we had lost the trail. We tried to retrace our steps, but it was no use. The path had gone and we were left with nothing but dense forest.
We were getting nervous and started to feel hopeless. But then, my friend suggested that we stay calm and shout out to attract attention. We did so and, soon enough, someone heard us and helped us find our way back.