一 卢敏热词
1.历史风貌建筑 historical architecture
2.加深双边理解,建立互信,扩大共识 deepen mutual understanding, build mutual trust and expand consensus
3.稳中向好的态势 a steady and upbeat momentum
4.实际控制线 Line of Actual Control
5.医事服务费 medical service fees
6.生产者出厂价格指数 Producer Price Index(PPI)
7.金融工具 financial instruments
8.自助购物 self-help shopping
9.无人超市 unmanned supermarket
10.支付宝账户 Alipay account
11.影子银行 shadow banking
12.房地产泡沫 housing market bubble
13.国有企业高杠杆 high leverage ratio of state-owned enterprises
14.违法违规集资 illegal fund-raising
15.军民融合发展 integrated military and civiliandevelopment
16.云存储 cloud storage
17.多极化 the trends towards multi-polarity
18.社会信息化 the application of information technology in societies
19.在“一带一路”建设框架内合作 cooperation within the “Belt and Road” framework
20.本着彼此包容、守望相助的初心 stay true to our commitment to inclusiveness and mutual assistance
21.对外交往 external interactions
22.国际影响 international profile
23.一项前无古人的开创性事业 a pioneering initiative that has no precedent to follow
24.人道主义救援 humanitarian relief
25.打击海盗行动 counter-piracy operation
26.校园招聘 campus recruitment
27.生态保护区 ecological reserve
28.不忘初心、继续前进 start in the first place and keep moving forward
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