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教育公平是社会公平的重要基础,促进教育公平是国家基本金宝搏188手机下载 。党和国家高度重视家庭经济困难学生上学问题,近些年中央有关部门密集出台相关资助政策措施,已建立起覆盖学前教育至研究生教育的学生资助政策体系,从制度上保障不让一个学生因家庭经济困难而失学。
Educationalequitymatters because it is an important basis for social equality, and the basic education policy in China is to ensure greater equity in education for all. The Chinese government is committed to increasing the affordability and availability of education for low-income students. And competent authorities over recent years have introduced a series of financial aid policies and put into place a financial aid system that runs from preschool education to graduate education, to institutionally ensure the affordability of education for low-income students.
2Graduate students have access to national scholarships and grants, on-campus part-time job allowances, national student loans, and tuition and loan compensation programs.
2.1 National Scholarships
National scholarships are awarded to graduate students with a record of strong academic achievement. They are offered to 35,000 master's degree students - RMB 20,000 each per year, and 10,000 doctoral students - RMB 30,000 each per year.
2.2 Academic Excellence Scholarships
Academic Excellence Scholarshipsare designed to boostgraduate students’ commitment to academic research, innovation and excellence. In universities directly administered by ministries, the coverage, size and implementation of the scholarships are determined by a wide range of criteria, including tuition fees, academic achievement, research performance, community services and financial background of the candidates. The amount of scholarships can reach up to 60% of national scholarships for graduates. The scholarships in local universities are implemented in accordance with policies of the central government.
2.3 National Grants
National grants are offered to full-time graduate students (exepct those formally employed) to help them pay college living expenses. Each eligible graduate student will receive no less than RMB 6,000, and each eligible doctoral student no less than RMB 10,000 per year.
2.4 On-Campus Part-Time Job Allowances
The allowance scheme is funded by educational appropriations, research revenue, tuition fees of the university, as well as public donations. It is available to students who work as research assistants, teaching assistants and administrative assistants on campus. In principle allowances for research assistants are offered as labor costs and indirect research spending, and those for teaching assistants and administrative assistants are borne by the university. The amount of allowances is determined by the university in accordance with national regulations and local price levels.
2.5 National Student Loans
National student loans for graduate students are offered in the same manner as those for undergraduates and junior college students. In principle the loans are university-based, and each eligible student can borrow no more than RMB 12,000 per year.
2.6 Tuition and Loan Compensation for Community Workers
The compensation program is operated in the same manner as that for undergraduates and junior college students. Each eligible student will receive up to RMB 12,000 per year in compensated tuition and loan.
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