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  • 24考研累计调剂数据0


  1. be determined by 由…所决定

  2. have something to do with 与…有关

  3. be central to sth. 是…的核心

  4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反

  5. be due to 由于(常做表语)

  6. be deprived of 被剥夺

  7. respond to 对…作出反应

  8. as the basis of 依据/根据

  9. be born with 天生具有

  10. In contrast 相比之下

  11. shut off 关上,停止,切断

  12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何; in no case 决不

  13. or so 大概,大约

  14. at the rate of 以…的速率

  15. take time 花费时间

  16. be likely to 可能;倾向于

  17. result in 导致

  18. not nearly 远不能;远非

  19. head into走向;陷入(危机)

  20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言

  21. make…possible 使…成为可能

  22. combine…with 把……和…结合起来;加上

  23. in the fashion of 以…方式

  24. such…as 像…一样

  25. refer to…提到;谈到

  26. agreement on 一致意见

  27. be comparable to 和…相当;犹如

  28. in terms of 根据;按照;在…方面

  29. on the whole 总体来说;大体上看

  30. draw a conclusion 得出结论

  31. have the attitude towards 对…的态度

  32. only if 只要

  33. the same…as 与…一样

  34. by lack of=for lack of 因为缺乏

  35. nothing but 只不过是

  36. by means of 通过;借助于

  37. by the help of 通过…的帮助

  38. in a sort of sense 从某种意义上来说

  39. manage to do sth. 设法做到

  40. extract …from 从……提炼出

  41. out of…起源;来源;根据

  42. build up 建立;树立

  43. by no means 绝不

  44. be compared with 与……相比

  45. a sort of 某种

  46. set…… in motion开始;

  47. differ in…在…方面不同

  48. go through 经历;经受;仔细检查

  49. in the one case =on the one hand

  50. in the course of the day=during the day

  51. a train of=a series of=an array of=a variety of

  52. revolve around 围绕…转;以…为中心

  53. not so much…as 与其说…不如说…

  54. because of 由于

  55. move forward 向前发展

  56. in short 简而言之;总之

  57. as we call it 我们所谓的

  58. the reach of science 科学能够到达的范围

  59. a series of 一系列

  60. over the years 多年以来

  61. turn…on…转向,朝向

  62. rather than 而不是

  63. at the expense of=at the cost of 以…为代价

  64. vice versa反之亦然

  65. depend on 取决于

  66. driving force 驱动力

  67. social inequality 社会不公

  68. in doing sth 在…过程中

  69. divert…from 把…从…转移

  70. lie with 取决于;在于

  71. be validated by 被…验证/证实

  72. whether…or 是……还是

  73. depend upon…and on 取决于…还取决于…

  74. depend upon…and upon 取决于…还取决于…

  75. such…as 例如,象这种的

  76. in general 通常;大体上;一般而言

  77. for example 比如

  78. compensate for 补偿;赔偿

  79. underprivileged youngster 贫困的/下层社会的年轻人

  80. grow up 长大

  81. under…circumstances 在…环境下

  82. be results of 由于…

  83. social needs 社会需求

  84. to some extent 在一定程度上

  85. come to the conclusion 得出结论

  86. make demand of 对…提出要求

  87. scientific establishment 科研机构

  88. in detail 详细地


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