captives [ 5kAptivz ] n. 1.俘虏,囚徒;猎获物 2.着迷的人;受控制的人
【例句】These ~ will be taken to the rear areas. 这些俘虏将被押到后方。
carefree [5keEfri:] n. 无忧无虑的, 轻松愉快的(侧重冷静)
【例句】The performer’s carefree style on the ice won her many friends and a gold medal. 演者在冰上那种潇洒的风格为她赢得了许多朋友和一块金牌。
cite [ sait ] v. 1.引用,引证,提出,举出 2.表彰,表扬,嘉奖
【例句】He ended his speech by citing his indebtedness to those who helped him. 以对帮助过他的人表示感激来结束他的讲话。
clarity [ 5klAriti ] n. 1.清澈,明净2.清晰,明晰
【例句】The ~of the spring water was amazing. 这泉水清澈得出奇。【认知】词根“clar”与“clear(清澈的,清除的)”为变体关系。如“clear”与其同源。
clue [ klu: ] n. (~ to)1.(有助于解决疑案,问题等的)线索,提示 2.(故事、思路等的)线索
【例句】I think we might find a ~ to the mystery. 我想我们可能找到解开这个奥秘的线索。
clumsily [ 5klQmzili ] ad. 1.笨拙地, 粗陋地 2.不漂亮地
【例句】His rowboat was a clumsy affair made out of old boxes. 他的划艇是用旧箱板制成的粗糙东西。
cognition [ kC^5niFEn ] n. 认识;认知
coincidence [ kEu5insidEns ] n. 1.巧合,巧事 2.(意见、爱好、利益等的)符合、一致 3.同时发生,共同存在
【例句】Can this be merely a coincidence? 这只是一种巧合吗?【认知】词根“-cid-”含义为“fall(发生;落下)”。如“accident”与其同源。
commence [ kE5mens ] vi. 开始;着手
【例句】The play will ~ at eight o’clock.戏将在8时开演。【认知】前缀为“com-”;本词“ence”根为“initiate(开始)”的变体。
commended [ kE5mendid ] v. 1.表扬,称赞 2.(~ to)推荐;把……交托给
【例句】to commend sb. upon his good manners 称赞某人有礼貌
commuters [ kE5mju:tEz ] n. 通勤者, 经常往返者
【例句】Commuters give the city its tidal restlessness; natives give it solidity and continuity; but the settlers give it passion. 往来者给予城市潮汐的不知止息,本地人给予它激情。【认知】词根“-mute-”含义为“改变;变化”,如在“mutual”中。
comparable [ 5kCmpErEbl ] a. 1.(~ with)可比较;类似的 2.(~ to)比得上的
【例句】This dinner is ~ to the best French cooking. 这餐饭可与最好的法国烹饪媲美。
compatible [ kEm5pAtEbl ] a. (~ with)能和睦相处的,合得来的,适合的,协调的
【例句】Cats and birds are seldom ~. 猫和鸟很少和睦相处。
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