2024-02-29 14:39:00

  南京工程学院坐落于钟灵毓秀、虎踞龙蟠的古都南京,是一所具有百年办学历史、深厚工科底蕴、鲜明应用特色的江苏省属普通本科高校,是金博宝最新官方网站查询网址 “卓越工程师教育培养计划”和“CDIO 工程教育改革 ” 首批试点高校。2019年,获批留学生招生资格。

  Nanjing Institute of Technology (NJIT) is located in the ancient city of Nanjing, known for its rich cultural heritage and historical significance. NJIT is a standard undergraduate university administered directly by Jiangsu Province with centurial schooling history, profound engineering foundation, and distinct characteristics of application-oriented specialties, recognized as one of the initial pilot universities for the Ministry of Education's "Outstanding Engineer Education and Training Program" and the"CDIO Engineering Education Reform Program" . In 2019, NJIT gained approval for enrolling international students.


  NJIT actively engages in international communications and collaborations, and has established enduring partnerships with diverse educational institutions from Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, New Zealand, South Korea, etc. Furthermore, it engages in joint educational programs with five universities in Finland, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands.




  Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens holding foreign passports.


  Willingness to abide by the laws, regulations, and rules of China, showing a friendly attitude towards China, and having a clean disciplinary record without any legal or disciplinary punishments.


  Upgrading from Junior College to University


  Graduates from junior colleges with outstanding academic performance, having completed all required courses and meeting graduation criteria.


  Proficiency in Chinese language with a minimum score of HSK Level 4 or above.


  Applicants should be over 18 years old but not over 28 years old, and in good physical and mental health. For students under 18 years old whose parents do not reside permanently in China, a formal authorization letter from the parents is required.


  Undergraduate Programs


  Possession of a high school diploma or equivalent (equivalent to the educational level of six years of Chinese middle school).



  (2)全英文授课专业申请人须具备IELTS 5.5分及以上、IBT75分及以上或提供其他英语能力证明。前置课程实行全英文授课的,免以上英语能力证明,但母语为非英语的申请人需提供授课语言为英语的相关证明。

  Language Requirements:

  (1) For Chinese-instruction programs, applicants should have HSK 4 or above certificate.

  (2) For English-instruction programs, applicants must have IELTS 5.5 or above, IBT 75 or above or other equivalent English proficiency certificate. If the pre-courses use English as the medium of instruction, the above certificate of English proficiency is not required, but the applicants whose native language is not English shall provide relevant proof that the teaching language is English.


  Applicants should be over 18 years old but not over 28 years old, and in good physical and mental health. For students under 18 years old whose parents do not reside permanently in China, a formal authorization letter from the parents is required.


  Postgraduate Programs


  Hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification; recent graduates must meet the conditions for graduation and degree conferral.



  (2)全英文授课专业申请人,若母语非英语,须具备IELTS 6分及以上、IBT 75分及以上或提供其他英语能力证明。

  Language Requirements:

  (1) For Chinese-instruction programs, applicants should have HSK Level 5 (180 points) or above certificate.

  (2) For English-instruction programs, applicants must have IELTS score of 6 or above, IBT 75 or above or other equivalent English proficiency proof.


  Applicants should be over 18 years old but not over 35 years old, and in good physical and mental health.



  Application Period: January 1, 2024, to December 30, 2024.The deadline for applying for admission in the academic year 2024 is June 30,2024.

  2.符合条件的申请人登录学校留学生网申系统(网址:https://njit.at0086.cn/StuApplication/ )提交申请。申请成功后下载打印《南京工程学院外国留学生学习申请表》,并粘贴2寸免冠证件照。

  Eligible applicants should log in to the NJIT International Student Online Application System (Website:https://njit.at0086.cn/StuApplication/) to submit their applications.

  After a successful application, download and print the "NJIT Foreign Student Study Application Form" and affix a 2-inch passport photo.


  Preliminary Review by the University: The university will conduct an initial review and may request additional documents based on individual cases.


  Qualified applicants will participate in a university interview. The specific assessment methods will be notified separately.


  Based on the interview results, the university will announce the list of candidates for admission. Applicants can check the admission results through the online application system, receive, and verify the pre-admission notice.


  Confirmed admitted students must pay the enrollment deposit within the specified time (exact dates will be stated in the pre-admission notice). Failure to pay within the stipulated period will be considered as forfeiting the admission.

  7.学校为入学保证金缴纳完毕的学生办理《外国留学生来华签证申请表》(JW202 表)。

  The university will process the "Visa Application for Study in China" (JW202 Form) for students who have paid the enrollment deposit.


  Admitted students must submit the relevant documents, including the "Visa Application for Study in China" (JW202 Form), to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate for applying for a study visa to China.


  New students must report to the university at the specified time (exact dates stated in the admission notice). Failure to register without a valid reason within the designated period will result in automatic withdrawal (the enrollment deposit will not be refunded).



  Passport (must be a regular passport valid for at least three months after enrollment) photo, including the passport's main page and residence permit page.


  Proof of Highest Educational Attainment. For current students, a certificate of enrollment and an expected graduation certificate issued by the current institution are required.


  Academic Transcript for the Highest Educational Attainment. For current students, an academic transcript stamped by the academic affairs department or signed by the department head is necessary.


  Chinese/English Proficiency Examination Transcript.


  Study Plan (approximately 800 words, in Chinese or English).


  Applicants for the upgrading from junior college to university program are required to submit two recommendation letters, with at least one being an expert recommendation.Undergraduate program applicants are not required to provide recommendation letters. Graduate program applicants need to submit two recommendation letters. Experts are defined as professors or associate professors in the field of study (or experts with equivalent professional titles). Recommendation letters can be in either Chinese or English.


  Health Certificate issued within the last 6 months (you can download the "Foreigner Physical Examination Form" from the School of International Education website and complete the examination at a reputable local hospital. The form must be completed as required and brought with you upon arrival.


  Certificate of No Criminal Record and a statement confirming no violation of school rules and regulations.


  Financial Guarantee Certificate.


  Proof of family income (equivalent to at least RMB 60,000).


  Passport-sized photos (white background, 48mm*33mm).


  "Application Form of Freshmen Scholarship for International Students of Nanjing Institute of Technology " .



  If the original documents are in a language other than Chinese or English, notarized copies of the Chinese or English translations must be provided. Notarized copies should be obtained from the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in the applicant's home country, or from the foreign embassy or consulate in China.


  All materials listed above should be uploaded in complete and clear color scans during the application process. Original documents must be presented for verification during the registration at the beginning of the academic term.


  Applicants are responsible for the authenticity and completeness of the submitted materials. The university will not process applications with false or incomplete documents.



  Application Fee: RMB 500 per person (payable online through the application platform, non-refundable).

  学 费:本科生人民币16000元/人/年,研究生人民币24000元/人/年

  Tuition Fee: RMB 16,000 per person per academic year for the undergraduate students,RMB 24,000 per person per academic year for the graduate students.


  Accommodation Fee: RMB 2,000 per person per academic year (four-person room).


  Comprehensive Medical Insurance: RMB 800 per person per academic year.


  Textbook Fee: Approximately RMB 800 per person per academic year.


  Enrollment Deposit: RMB 5,000 per person per academic year (to be offset against on-campus accommodation, textbook, and other fees after enrollment).



  New international students at NJIT can apply for the Freshmen Scholarship, which is divided into two levels, A and B. Level A covers tuition and on-campus accommodation fees, provides medical insurance, and grants living allowances. Level B covers tuition fees and provides medical insurance. The specific amounts are subject to the university's official documents for the current year. The scholarship standards for new international students in the year 2024 are as follows:


  After one year of study at the university, international students who meet the relevant conditions may apply for the "Jiangsu Government Scholarship for International Students," the "President's Scholarship for International Students at NJIT" and other scholarships.


  In the event of transferring to another institution or withdrawal from the program due to personal reasons, the recipient is obligated to refund the entire scholarship subsidy already received.



  The assessment and disbursement of scholarships are carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations of both the country and the university. For additional information, please refer to the School of International Education's Chinese and English website.



  The academic year is divided into two semesters: the autumn semester, running from September to January of the following year, and the spring semester, running from February to July. The programs are conducted on a full-time basis with the following durations:



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