

(二)文书写作的思想定位。申请文书思想定位的核心是“关系”, 仍以人为核心,突出人与人的关系、人与环境的关系、人与世界的关系等,最终定位人的思想境界,科学精神、学术道德、人文关怀等都是思想定位的方向。



What does academic integrity look like in the age of Generative AI? How has this impacted you as student?


In the era of artificial intelligence (AI), academic integrity could be maintained properly, if misconducts are minimized. I hold that the proper application of AI lies in technological development rather than administrative blocking. When ChatGPT was invented late 2022, for example, a considerable number of universities worldwide declared a total ban on it on campus. However, the strict restriction ended up with an even wider use of ChatGPT. Harvard University, on the other hand, allows ChatGPT on campus but within a scope of strict regulations. AI-detective apps are installed to fight against plagiarism. From my perspective, AI seems an interactive friend, who inspires me through interactions. As a student, I could save time in research by making use of the vast amount of database to check the precision of a conclusion. Apparently, some of its genius recommendations are likely to be considered when I feel it hard to push the boundaries of my study. I am totally against copy-and-paste style in academia when applying AI. To this end, I strongly oppose using the AI photos in academic essays. However, I would rather apply AI to refurbishment of my presentation, making it attractive to audience. Until now innovation and originality have not become the advantage of AI, which tends to combine as many links as possible after a quick and thorough search online.


本文仍应该从“人”的角度深入展开,特别是AI时代教师与学生的关系、教学与学习的关系,需要点出AI的局限性,从而凸显新型时代背景下的人文精神。文书题目很简单,如何才能想到这个深层的逻辑来回答这个题目?这个问题也是考验学生思考的深度(deep insights)。

第一,AI 是人创造的,使用AI的也是人,所以需要从人的层面去考虑,而不是简单地就是事论事,仅仅围绕academic integrity。

第二,How has this impacted you中的this 指什么?这是个题眼词。从上一句看,很容易停留在表层理解“在使用AI的背景下,academic integrity如何影响你”。其实,如果进一步挖掘,“AI在学校环境下如何影响你”的主题更具深意。需要把学校学习大环境下的多维因素考虑进来,在AI背景下,分析教师与学生的关系、教学与学习的关系,进而突显教育的本质,以及AI对教育的影响。




The Harvard University has officially declared support for responsible experimentation with Generative AI tools. I appreciate the Harvard attitude towards new technology in the waves of panic to ban the ChatGPT on campus. But greater freedom to apply new technology means a higher price to maintain academic ethics. Academic integrity still means honesty and originality in outcome of research, but based on more complex plagiarism detection and regulatory monitoring. To detect plagiarism, Turnitin, a text-matching software platform, has been widely applied at Harvard. To monitor scholars and students, ChatGPT-related regulations has been established soon after the new technology was released late 2022, and hence a third-party review system to secure equality and justice. As a student of this new era, I am cautiously optimistic about this ever-changing high-tech environment. On the one hand, I am fascinated by interaction with ChatGPT to push the boundaries of my study, where a vast amount of information is put together from different perspectives. But, on the other hand, I don’t believe that AI will take place of schools or universities completely. Likewise music fans could get access to all their favorite songs with iPods, which may hardly replace a stadium concert of the singers they love. What exactly music fans want is interpersonal links. School education is necessary with interpersonal connection being secured on campus. Apart from learning, students are emotionally involved in a wide range of activities at school, where they respect others and shape their personalities. More importantly, AI education is no match with school education in interaction between teachers and students. Human teachers, for example, will respond any unplanned affairs but robot teachers have not been so interactive yet. Finally I would maintain academic ethics as part of my moral ethics. In the times of AI-fueled plagiarism spreading over, academic integrity seems more valuable than ever. In turn original research outcomes will be under the closest scrutiny. With a commitment to academic ethics, however, I could stay focused on the scientific research I am engaged, which is the only way to stand out.



文书基本的语言风格是“描述性写作”(narrative writing),针对不同题目要考虑描述的对象。夏校项目、课程的“做什么—为什么”(what-why)模式的题目所对应的是对自己客观行为的描述和反思。



Reflect on a book you have read or a film you have seen where you strongly related to a character. State and describe the character, their traits and significance, and how they personify you.



I am a huge fan of the Japanese fictional movie Steins Gate, where I strongly relate me to the protagonist Ryutaro Okabe. As a college student though, Ryutaro Okabe is always keen to change the world. Along with other team members, he establishes a research institute for future technologies. Ryutaro Okabe’s world-changing attitude has never faded even when the institute just develops some low-end products at the very beginning. Accidentally a time machine is produced when he comes across a world-class talent. Although Ryutaro Okabe is frequently in trouble after the invention takes shape, he has maintained his academic ethics and changed the history by correcting the previous errors. Likewise, I dream to be a neuroscientist and bring human beings back to normal mentally. To begin with basic inventions in neuroscience, I designed a board game to alleviate the pain of teenagers with mental disorder along with my teammates. The game could be used as complementary to the medical treatment and part of the disease prevention. Strenuous accumulation will be paid off as what Ryutaro Okabe has achieved. Moreover, I take academic ethics seriously, although it is no easy to maintain the faith of right and wrong before authority in academia. In The Elite Program in China, for example, I took an initiative to refine the theory of ultraviolet-induced high GC content published on Science in 1970. During the year-long research, however, I analyzed piles of data from the NCBI to see that the experimental results were against the academic conclusion of the previous study. My tutor praised my efforts and courage to challenge the authority in neuroscience. Consequently, I was nominated top 15 out 350 senior high schoolers nationwide.

学生找到了日本动画片《命运石之门》(Steins Gate)主人公冈部伦太郎(Ryutaro Okabe)与自己的相似之处。但遗憾的是,学生没有理解题目中how they personify you(这些特征和意义如何映射到自己)的含义,学生纠结于“我模仿主人公,还是我被主人公映射”。其实,题目的意思是“我如何被主人公映射”。




I am a huge fan of the Japanese science fiction movie Steins Gate, where I strongly relate me to the protagonist Ryutaro Okabe. To my surprise, I find myself a twin brother of Ryutaro Okabe in personalities. We both are courageous to insist on what we think is right until it is proved wrong. We both are courageous to defend truth and challenge the academic authority in the domain of science. The time Ryutaro Okabe shouted angrily at a well-known researcher in public, who stole the already-published research results of the time machine, I felt a big thrill of courage again. That reminded me of the moment when I punched my desk after piles and piles of data analysis for nearly a year. I stated firmly to my tutor that the conclusion of the theory on Science in 1970 proved wrong. Apart from courage, idealism is what Ryutaro Okabe and I have in common. Both of us are science boys and share the dream to change the world by making contributions to human beings. The only difference between us is that Ryutaro Okabe tends to be more aggressive while I appear to be quieter. In most cases, he cries out crazily about his dream, his love, his hatred, his suspicion, and his frustration, which echoes from the bottom of my heart. No wonder we are on the same page. He argued furiously against the opinion which denied the theory and practice of a time machine. According to Ryutaro Okabe, a time machine was a final solution to address the historical problems of the world. The fury burned my heart when I recalled a group discussion. A team member defied my efforts to explore what a mental disordered patient thought about. I tried to put my trembling heart under control to avoid further argument. Thoroughly I explained how significant my dream was to detect the unknown areas of abnormal people. Otherwise the pain of the patients and mine will never be alleviated.





Briefly describe each of your research areas of interest. This is used to help determine which faculty mentors will be sent your application materials. If you have particular interests, technical skills, or experience with a research method this is the appropriate place to highlight those talents.


Methodology in research, role plays in group work and academic ethics are discussed to showcase my particular interests, technical skills, and experience.

在阅读全文后,指导教师发现,Methodology in research并没有体现,大量篇幅是在谈research areas of interest,显然,学生将两个概念混淆。这个案例从反面证明首句在全文中的决定意义。



The Columbia Pre- College program is a community of students and educators from diverse backgrounds. Tell us about a time in which you experienced a difference in perspective or life experience. How did you demonstrate respect for the other person and take their perspective into account. (maximum 150 words)



Grandma never understood why, out of all the instruments I could learn, I picked the trombone. When I played the trombone, I would try all means to be loud; the rougher it sounded the better. Grandma believed otherwise: girls should act like princesses and be meek and gentle. As age grew, I began to see that gentleness and masculinity do not necessarily stand in opposition. Grand and masculine a symphony may be, yet its charisma composes not just of the stronger and more assertive passages: it is the occasional probing into deeper softness that makes it interesting. Playing for Grandma’s birthday, I finally decided to embrace the possibility of dolce—“with gentleness.” As tenderness crept back into my music, I saw Grandma’s eyes lit up, and she smiled as if she were back to her teens: making garlands and daydreaming of boys, beaming with hope as we all once were.


来源:金宝搏188入口 国际教育频道