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Unlike my silent peers in class, I seem to have tons of questions to raise in face of lecturers and professors. To be noted, what I have asked is just good questions. In Biology class, for instance, instead of asking “why”, I ask “how”. How G protein can slide freely in cell membrane was a good question, followed by a fierce debate with the rest of the class. The best question I have ever asked is to a well-known psychologist about the effects of role play in the social hierarchy, which tends to be solidified. The Q&A appeared top on the contents of xx. Good questions lead to more research, and hence a deeper understanding the undiscovered world. For a question I raised, for example, I checked dozens of papers and academic websites to explain why electric synapses rarely appear in mammals. Insatiable curiosity keeps me exploring the unknown.


原句是:Unlike my silent peers in class, I seem to have tons of questions to raise in face of lecturers and professors.



原句修改为:Unlike my peers in class, I am the most recognizable student in the eyes of lecturers and professors, as they are impressed with my good questions.



原句是:In Biology class, for instance, instead of asking “why”, I ask “how”.

提问的深度、境界不同,一般是“为什么—怎么做—做什么”(“why-how- what”)的不同层级。通常人们思维认知很容易辨识“做什么”(what),而对于“为什么”(why)思考比较少,而让人产生强大内驱力使命感的是“为什么”。

对比国内外课堂的提问水平,国内学生停留在“做什么”(what)层级的比较普遍,因此将instead of asking “why”替换为instead of asking “what”,这样对比更鲜明。


原句是:For a question I raised, for example, I checked dozens of papers and academic websites to explain why electric synapses rarely appear in mammals.



Unlike my peers in class, I am the most recognizable student in the eyes of lecturers and professors, as they are impressed with my good questions. In Biology class, for example, instead of asking “what”, I ask “how”. How G protein can slide freely in cell membrane is a good question, followed by a fierce debate between me and the rest of the class. The best question I have ever asked was to an acclaimed psychologist Martyn Barrett about what a role-play could develop to face hierarchical solidification. The Q&A appeared on the newsletter of xx, where Martyn argued that over 50% of human behaviors were nurtured rather than natured. I was inspired by his further conclusion that changes in social hierarchy were highly possible, assumed that people planned carefully for the changes. Good questions lead to a deeper understanding of the world. Insatiable curiosity keeps me exploring the unknown.





分析一下哈佛夏校列出的题目:What courses at Harvard Summer School interest you and why?

这个题目是常规性的“做什么—为什么”(what-why)模式,其中隐含了对申请人的重要要求:申请人需要针对哈佛夏校科研课程列表做研究,找出自己感兴趣的课程,认真阅读课程描述(course description)。课程描述中明确标注了对申请人的能力要求,这些要求自然就是文书写作内容定位的前提。



What interests me most at Harvard University is the course of Introduction to Research in Psychopathology. The reasoning behind will be discussed from two perspectives. On the one hand, starting from childhood, I was a silent kid and did not have many friends. Unlike my peers, I was used to observing people around me quietly and attentively. I was curious at relating their facial expression to their personalities. The relationship remained a mystery for me until senior high, when I chose Neuroscience and Psychology as my AP courses. I engaged in many online and offline investigations, seminars, and research accordingly. More importantly, I volunteered to probe into patients who suffered from mental disorder. The more such social work I am engaged, the more sympathy I have developed towards these patients. How to get engaged to help cure their diseases and alleviate their pain will be my objective in career. To achieve the goal, I have decided to apply degree courses in Neuroscience at Harvard University before I finish all the AP courses. It will be surreal to experience the on-campus program at Harvard, if my application could be accepted. On the other hand, the course designing seems exactly what I would like to do at the summer school. I won’t have difficulties in the fundamentals and research methodologies of Psychopathology, as required by the program. I have received similar cultivation in Neuroscience and Psychology in class. From my perspective, the most interesting part of the summer school will be engagement with both classic and contemporary studies in Psychopathology. I have never compared the two studies before, which will be valuable to my future research. Moreover, I cannot wait to see the development curve of Psychopathology research and evaluate critically methods and findings. Last but not least, I would be glad to engage in hands-on experience in group work. Previously in other programs, I played a wide range of roles in different teams. The summer school at Harvard will provide me a good opportunity to see if I have the potential to further study the Neuroscience-related course in this dream university.



What interests me most at the Harvard Summer School 2024 is the course of Introduction to Research in Psychopathology. The course designing seems exactly what I would like to be engaged, especially psychopathological research, the cornerstone of the program. Unlike the AP courses of Neuroscience and Psychology I have been attending, the Psychopathology-related course at the Harvard Summer School is designed for students to gain an understanding of the hands-on research process rather than simply knowledge teaching. My curiosity at relating people’s facial expression to their personalities has turned to probing into patients, who suffer from mental disorder. The more such social work I am engaged, the more sympathy I have developed towards these patients. To my joy, the tutor of the summer program is Dr. Mayron Ribeiro, a psychopathologist with expertise in experimental research with clinical and non-clinical populations. If I am accepted by the program, it will be the first time ever for me to engage in experimental research and receive professional guidance accordingly. I am looking forward to developing a research question, hypotheses, methods, and data analysis, as required. Moreover, the course is expected to engage students with both classic and contemporary studies. I will be engaged in critically evaluating methods and findings in the domain of psychopathology research, an important part for me to explore from historical perspectives. Last but not least, the Harvard program will develop a group research proposal on a topic related to psychopathology. It will also be exciting to work in a group to conceptualize and plan a research study. Previously in other programs, I played a wide range of roles in different teams. Consequently, the summer school at Harvard will help me work like a psychopathologist, exploring and researching problems related to mental health: how to understand them, how to classify them, and how to fix them. The program will also provide me a good opportunity to study on campus at Harvard University.


To my joy, the tutor of the summer program is Dr. Mayron Ribeiro, a psychopathologist with expertise in experimental research with clinical and non-clinical populations.

不足之处在于:下面这一论点比较单薄,没有相应定位更有力的内容,在“经典研究”(classic study)和“当代研究”(contemporary study)的异同方面缺乏深入了解和认知,需要进一步跟进研究。

Moreover, the course is expected to engage students with both classic and contemporary studies. I will be engaged in critically evaluating methods and findings in the domain of psychopathology research, an important part for me to explore from historical perspectives.


What interests me most at the Harvard Summer School 2024 is the course of Introduction to Research in Psychopathology, especially its cornerstone part, i.e., psychopathological research. Unlike the AP courses of Neuroscience and Psychology I have been attending, the Psychopathology-related course at the Harvard Summer School is designed for students to gain an understanding of the hands-on research process rather than simply knowledge teaching. My curiosity at relating people’s facial expression to their personalities has turned to probing into patients, who suffer from mental disorder. The more such social work I am engaged, the more sympathy I have developed towards these patients. To my joy, the tutor of the summer program is Dr. Mayron Ribeiro, a psychopathologist with expertise in experimental research with clinical and non-clinical populations. If I am accepted by the program, it will be the first time ever for me to engage in experimental research and receive professional guidance accordingly. I am looking forward to developing a research question, hypotheses, methods, and data analysis, as required. Moreover, the course is expected to engage students with both classic and contemporary studies. Classic studies include fundamental research outcomes, such as Diathesis-Stress Model, a framework for understanding the development of psychological disorders. On the basis of classic studies, contemporary study applies more experimental designing to research in the domain of psychopathology. Last but not least, the Harvard program will make me excited to conceptualize and plan a research study related to psychopathology through teamwork, where I can apply a lot of teamwork skills that I have previously gained from other academic programs. Consequently, the summer school at Harvard will help me work like a psychopathologist, exploring and researching problems related to mental health: how to understand them, how to classify them, and how to fix them. The program will also provide me a good opportunity to study on campus at Harvard University. (未完待续)

来源:国际升学指导专家邓宁、金宝搏188入口 国际教育频道主编赵刚