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Prof. Eliot A. GattegnoPh.D., University of California, San DiegoDirector of the Center for Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship

  Prof. Eliot A. Gattegno香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院副教授 创新创意创业中心主任

College is the best time to learn to teach yourself. Learn how (not what) to think. Learn what it means to be a leader, innovator, broad thinker and global citizen. Develop personal skills such as critical thinking and creative thinking, and interpersonal skills such as effective communication and effective interaction. Ultimately, do things that matter.

There is no such thing as a perfect day, only a perfect moment. The more time you spend doing, the more opportunity you give yourself to have a perfect moment. And a lot of perfect moments is as close as we can get to a life well lived. Isn't that what we were planning for anyway?

 Prof. Yang GU

 Ph.D., Cornell University

 Dean of The School of Humanities and Social Science


“希望你不要被学习绑架,被动地做它的俘虏。学习的过程是一种知识积累的过程,更是提高逆商的过程,你感悟到卓越努力后带来的快乐了吗?你可能会说,学习的过程挺痛苦的。是的,因为它改变着你,痛苦是因为你感觉到了在自己在成长;而这种成长是有意义的,因为你的新思维在形成,它会成为你今后创新的根基,所以你应该是快乐的。如果你将来希望过有尊严、快乐的生活,而不想被迫谋生,那就在大学学习中寻求更多的选择,体验和感悟每种选择在自己心目中的意义,这样你就会在大学生活中获得成就感,建立自信和尊严。通过接受良好的教育,能够宽容地对待自己,对待他人,对待社会,这样你就能够活得豁达,活得快活,活得有尊严,你进入和将要改变的世界亦将更为美好。close as we can get to a life well lived. Isn't that what we were planning for anyway?

 Prof. Yang GUPh.D., Cornell UniversityDean of The School of Humanities and Social Science

 Prof. Tom LuoPh.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)Vice President, Academic


“With a unique residential college system, an international environment that promotes a global outlook, and a picturesque campus that is both charming and elegant, CUHK(SZ), places a strong emphasis on bilingualism and whole-person education, and aspires to be a global leader in higher education.

  If you are a bright, free spirited and dynamic student aspiring to be a future leader, come to CUHK(SZ) to pursue your college dream with likeminded young people, to discover the joy of learning and critical thinking, and to enjoy a quality higher education that meets the highest international standard. Let us help you gain the skills and the knowledge needed to realize your dream. I know you have many choices when it comes to selecting universities, but I surely hope to see you in CUHK(SZ) this September!

 Prof. Joe QinPh.D., University of Maryland, College ParkVice President, External and Student Affairs


“选择一所大学是至关重要的决定,因为大学四年是一个人成长的重要阶段。大学学什么专业并非那么重要,重要的是建立起一生所需要的自信。因此,与其挤进一所众人公认的顶尖大学,不如选择一所适合自己成长的大学; 与其绞尽脑汁思量该读哪个专业,不如有一个可以自由选择专业的权利; 与其走一条别人都想走的路, 不如走一条自己喜欢的路。港中大(深圳)让每个学生在入学后尝试一年再选专业,提供最好的国际化学习机会,注重全人成长,彰显个性发展。在一个与众不同的大学里,我们来自世界各地的教师们竭尽全力,提供一个最适合你成长的环境,让你不虚此行。

Prof. David TongPh.D., University of California, IrvineDean, Graduate School

  唐叔贤教授香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院教授香港中文大学(深圳)研究生院院长 中国科学院院士


Prof. Arieh WarshelPhD, The Weizmann Institute of Science?2013 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

  Prof. Arieh Warshel香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院教授

  2013 诺贝尔化学奖获得者


“I have four advices that would like to address you. Firstly, when choosing your areas of study, you had better seek out problems that other people have said cannot be solved. They are the most challenging to tackle, but also the most rewarding. Secondly, always persevere. Don’t become discouraged and give up because something doesn’t come easily. The third piece of advice I will offer you going forward is to seek out like-minded students. My final piece of advice to all of you is to take advantage of all your university has to offer.

Prof. Wei XiongPh.D., Duke UniversityAcademic Dean, School of Management and Economics


As you are now standing at a crossroad in your life to pursue undergraduate studies for your future development, I invite you to join the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.?As a part of CUHK Business School, the School of Management and Economics (SME) is committed to your growth as a future leader in business world. Our small but diverse community allows you to develop life-long friendship and have fun by participating in various student activities, and to achieve educational and career goals by closely interacting with all faculty members. You will also join our large network of alumni both in Hong Kong and across the world, as well as mentors who are from different fields to support your goals and aspiration for the future.

Prof. Yangsheng XuPh.D., University of PennsylvaniaPresident



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