Introduction 简介
The programme suite in Master of Applied Science / Master of Science in Intelligent Construction and Building Information Modelling (MASCICBIM / MSCICBIM) aims to nurture highly competitive and knowledgeable professionals in intelligent construction and BIM. The programme suite equips graduates with expertise in digital construction, sustainability, and project management, giving them a competitive edge in the evolving construction industry.
Entry Requirements 入学要求
Students admitted to the programme suite (MASCICBIM / MSCICBIM) should have
A recognized degree or equivalent qualification, with preferably work experience in the construction industry; OR
A recognized sub-degree in construction-related discipline, with at least 10 years of work experience in the construction industry.
English language proficiency requirements: Applicants must meet the English proficiency requirements set by the university if their Bachelor's Degree or equivalent qualification did not adopt English as the medium of instruction.
*Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend an admission interview (face-to-face or online). Applicants must pass an admissions interview to successfully apply.
Admission Application 入学申请
Students interested in this programme suite should apply through HKMU Online Application System.对本课程有兴趣的学生应透过香港都会大学网上申请系统申请
Career Prospects 职业前景
Graduates from the programme suite will acquire broad knowledge of the concepts, techniques, and tools related to intelligent construction and digital management in the construction industry. This expertise opens up diverse career opportunities in consultancies, contracting firms, and government agencies. Typical positions start at the assistant engineer level, with opportunities to advance to senior roles such as construction project manager or BIM manager, making it a gateway to diverse and rewarding career opportunities.
Program Aims 课程目标
Hong Kong’s construction industry is one of the vital sectors of its economy and is expected to continue expanding with upcoming developments. With the rapid growth of the construction industry and the increasing demand for sustainability, digitalisation and intelligent technologies are being adopted to revolutionise the industry. The MASc/MSc (Hons) in Intelligent Construction and Building Information Modelling, offered by Hong Kong Metropolitan University, is set to fulfil this growing need and is available in 1-year full-time or 2-year part-time face-to-face mode.
Programme Intended Learning Outcome 课程预期学习成果
On successful completion of the MASCICBIM / MSCICBIM, students should be able to:
* Employ detailed knowledge and critical understanding of intelligent construction and BIM with digital skills and analytical knowledge for the needs of construction professionals;
* Explain the concepts of intelligent construction and BIM and utilise digital and sustainable methodologies and technologies in construction industry and societal context;
* Evaluate existing digital and sustainable practices and technologies critically in the field of intelligent construction and BIM to optimise efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability;
* Demonstrate extensive, detailed, and critical understanding of construction engineering management through creative and sustainable approaches in intelligent construction and BIM;
* Communicate effectively and professionally with a range of stakeholders to convey complex construction concepts and creative managerial, digital and sustainable solutions.
* Design digital, intelligent, and sustainable solutions using advanced intelligent construction technologies and managerial skills to creatively solve engineering problems with a critical thinking mindset.
* Undertake a continuous professional development independently and innovatively in addressing construction challenges and managing engineering projects with digital, intelligent, and sustainable strategies.
* Apply theoretical knowledge and technical skills effectively and professionally to solve engineering problems and being able to work with different stakeholders in industrial environment. (only applicable to MASCICBIM)
成功完成该课程(MASCICBIM/ MSCICBIM)后,学生应能够:
* 掌握智能建造和 BIM的系统知识和深刻理解,融合数字技能和分析能力,满足建筑专业人士的需求。
* 解释智能建造与 BIM 的核心概念,并在建筑行业及更广泛的社会背景下应用数字化与可持续方法和技术。
* 全面评估并实施智能建造和 BIM 领域的数字化与可持续实践和技术,优化工程效率、效能和可持续性。
* 展示在建筑工程管理方面的深入专业知识,并运用创新性和可持续方法,提升智能建造和 BIM 应用。
* 能够与多元利益相关者进行专业、高效的沟通,清晰表达复杂的建筑概念并提出创新的管理、数字化和可持续解决方案。
* 结合先进的智能建造技术和管理策略,设计数字化、智能化和可持续的工程解决方案,并运用批判性思维创造性地解决工程难题。
* 具备持续的职业发展能力,在建筑挑战和工程项目管理中展现独立性和创新性,灵活运用数字化、智能化和可持续战略。
* 有效、专业地运用理论知识和技术技能解决工程问题,并能够在工业环境中与不同利益相关者合作。(仅适用于 MASCICBIM)
Teaching Mode教与学
Students will learn through full-time or part-time face-to-face mode with online support. Workshops, day-schools, and/or laboratory sessions are available for some courses. These face-to-face sessions aim to provide opportunities for students to discuss academic issues with their lecturers and acquire practical laboratory skills. All the prescribed courses will also be supported by the HKMU Online Learning Environment (OLE), which provides online discussion for interaction among students and between lecturers and students. This allows discussion of theories explained in the courses, their applications and evaluations. The project course ENGG 8006SEF will be supervised by a designated faculty together with practitioner in industry with the support of laboratory technicians as appropriate.
学生将通过全职(全日制)或兼职面对面模式学习,并获得在线支持。一些课程还提供研讨会、讲座和/或实验室课程。这些面授课程旨在为学生提供与老师讨论学术问题并获得实践实验室技能的机会。对于所有指定科目,在香港都会大学在线学习环境 (OLE) 的支持下,老师和学生之间可在线互动讨论课程中解释的理论及其应用。科目 ENGG 8006SEF 将由老师和行业专家共同指导,并在需要时由实验室技术人员提供支持。
Programme Structure 课程结构
C = Compulsory courses 必修课程; E = Elective courses 选修课程; N.A. = Not Applicable 不适用
* For MASCICBIM, three elective courses are required from these choices.
* For MSCICBIM, five elective courses are required from these choices.
*Completing selected courses fulfills the academic requirements for professional qualifications such as BIM Coordinator, BIM Manager, MiC Project Implementation, BEAM Affiliate, ASHRAE Certified Professional, and BREEAM Certified Professional.
完成指定课程可满足以下专业资格的学术要求:BIM Coordinator, BIM Manager, MiC Project Implementation, BEAM Affiliate, ASHRAE Certified Professional, and BREEAM Certified Professional等。
Enquiries 查询
General Enquires一般查询
Tel 电话:3120 2700
WhatsApp: 3120 2700
Website 课程网址: https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/st/sc/programmes/department-of-construction-and-quality-management/masc-msc-in-intelligent-construction-and-building-information-modelling-mascicbim-mscicbim/
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