SZTU Business School is offering full time professorships in these 3 areas:
2021-10-26 21:31:00
SZTU Business School
    1.BS03 Business Law (plan to hire 2 people)

  2.BS04 Business English (plan to hire 2 people)

  3.BS13 Supply Chain Management (plan to hire 2 people)


  1.Make good use of programme-related knowledge and expertise to carry out university teaching and practical project tasks.

  2.Undertake duties assigned by the School.


  The candidates must have business experience in companies, organizations and institutions with international background, open-minded personalities with the willingness to work together with companies and to do applied research.

  1)Ph.D degree;

  2)A high level of English language proficiency is required to undertake English taught course(s);

  3)At least 3 years working experience in companies/institutions/organizations outside of the campus;

  4)Overseas working experiences or overseas education background is preferred.

  Application Process:

  1.Submit your resume on the official website of the HR department(http://ohr.sztu.edu.cn/zp/);

  2.Send the Application materials(Including: complete English curriculum vitae;scanned copies of graduation and degree certificate)with the title as “Full Name of Applicant + Position” to:


  If you have any questions about the job, do not hesitate to call us:

  0755-23256610(Business School)

  0755-23256280(HR Department)


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