ࡱ>  Rbjbj8#P 55555III8lIH(&F(F(F(F(F(F(F$+JL*LFq5LF55HG(((55&F(&F((n2APDqvv"B FG0HBM'M@DM5D|( LFLF'HM / : ~[&/T\MR 2016nfؚI{f[!hbuhQV~NՋ_lςwS laNy 1.T{MR HQ\]vY T0QSkXQ(WՋwSTT{aS N v^\QSagb_x|4(WT{aS Nvc[MOn0(u2BŔ{\T{aS NՋwS{|WATveFhmў0 2. bv\OT{k\ QT{HhT (u2BŔ{bT{aS N[^vvT{HhhSmў Q(WՋwS0I?z~TT{aS Nv^T{:SWGWeHe0 3.^ bv\OT{(u~{W[{vcT{(WT{aS N[^vT{:SWQ0Q(WՋwS0I?z~TT{aS Nv^T{:SWGWeHe0 4.Ջ~_gT \,gՋwSTT{aSNv^ NN0 ,{`!wS ,{NR ,TRqQ$N nR 30 R ZPe s\T{Hhh(WՋwS N U_Q[~_gT `O\ g$NRve\ՋwS NvT{Hhlm0RT{aS N0 ,{NqQ 5 \k\ 1.5 R nR 7.5 R eu ,T Nb 5 k[݋ kk[݋T gN*N\0N-N@b~v A,B,C N*N y-N QgsO y v^h(WՋwSvv^MOn0,T[kk[݋T `O g 10 yveegVT{ gsQ\T NN\0kk[݋NNM0 O How much is the shirt? A. 19.15 B. 9.18 C. 9.15 T{Hh/f C0 1.What are the speakers talking about? A.Having a birthday party. B.Doing some exercise. C.Getting Lydia a gift. 2.What is the woman going to do? A.Help the man. B.Take a bus. C.Get a camera. 3.What does the woman suggest the man do? A.Tell Kate s to stop. B. Call Kate s frends. C.Stay away from Kate. 4.Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a wine shop. B. In a supermarket. C. In a restaurant. 5.What doer the woman mean? A.Keep the wondow closed. B.Go out for fresh air, C.Turn on the fan. ,{N qQ15\k\1.5R nR22.5R ,T Nb5k[݋br}v0kk[݋br}vT gQ*N\ N-N@b~vA0B0C N*N y-N QgsO y v^h(WՋwSvv^MOn0,Tkk[݋br}vMR `O\ geT*N\ k\5y,T[T T\\~Q5yv\OT{e0kk[݋br}v$NM0 ,T,{6kPge VT{,{6070 6.What is the man going to do this summer? A.Teach a course. B.Repair his house. C.Work at a hotel. 7.How will the man use the money? A. To hire a gardener. B. To buy books. C. To pay for a boat trip. ,T,{7kPge VT{,{8090 8.What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Schoolmates. B. Colleages. C.Roommates. 9.What does Frank plan to do right after graduation? A. Work as a programmer. B. Travel around the world. C.Start his own business. ,T,{8kPge VT{,{10120 10.Why does the woman make the call? A.To book a hotel room . B.To ask about the room service. C.To make changers to a reservation. 11.When will the woman arrive at the hotel? A.On September 15. B.On September 16. C.On September 23. 12.How much will the woman pay for her room per night? A.$179 B.$199 C. $219 ,T,{9kPge VT{,{13160 13.What is the woman s plan for Saturday? A.Going shopping B.Going camping. C.Going boating. 14.Where will the woman stay in Keswick? 15.What will Gordon do over the weekend? A.Visit his friends B.Watch DVDs C.Join the woman. 16.What does the woman think of Gordons coming weekend? A.Relaxed B.Boring. C.Busy. ,T,{10kPge VT{,{17200 17.Who is Wang Ming? A.A student B.An employer. C.An engineer 18. What does the speaker say about the college job market this year? A.It s unpredictable B. It s quite stable C.It s not optimistic 19.What percentage of student job seekers have found a job by now? A.20% B.22% C.50% 20.Why are engineering graduates more likely to accept a job? A.They need more work experience B.The salary is usually good. C.Their choice is limited. ,{NRwƋЏ(uqQ$N nR35R ,{NUSykXzzqQ15\ k\1R nR15R  NRT N-N@b~vA0B0C0DV*N y-N QgsO y v^(WT{aS-N\ ymў OIt is gen to give a child his or her wants A .however B. whatever C whichever D. whenever T{Hh/fB 21It is often the case anything is possible for those who hang on to hope A.why B what C.as D.that 22.More efforts,as reported, in the years ahead to accelerate the supply side structional reform A.are made B.will be made C are being made D.have been madef[y&Q 23.Many young people,most were well-educated ,headed for remote regions to chase their dreams A. of which B.of them C.of whom D of those 24.-----Can you tell me your for happiness and a long life? ------Living every day to the full, definitely A.recipe B.record C. range D. recept 25.He did not easily, but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cause A.approach B wrestle C. range D. receipt 26. some people are motivated by a need for success, others are motivated by a fear of failure A Because B. If C. Unless D.While 27.If it for his invitation the other day,I should not be here now A.had not been B.should not be C were not to be D.should not have been 28.In art ,you must the artist has a secret message within the work A.to hide B.hidden C . hiding D being hidden 29.Dashan,who crosstalk ,the Chinese comedic tradition,for decades, wants to mix it up with the Western stand-up tradition A .will be learning B.is learning C. had been learning D.has been learning 30.Many businesses started up by college students have ________thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation. A fallen off B. taken off C. turned off D. left off 31. His surveys have provided the most ________ statements of how, and on what basis data collected. A .explicit B. ambiguous C. original D. arbitrary 32. Only those who have a lot in common can get along well. ----- ________. Opposites sometimes do atract. A. I hope not B. I think so C. I appreciate that D. I beg to differ 33. Parents should actively urge their children to _____ the opportunity to join sports teams. A. gain adminition to B. keep track of C. take advantage of D. give rise to 34. Not until recently______ the development of tourists activities related activities in the rural area. A. their had encouraged B. had they encouraged C. did they encourage D. they encouraged 35. Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interview. - Lack of self-confidence is his _____, I am afraid. ,{N[WkXzzqQ20\k\1R nR20R  Nbwe NweT@b~vABCDV*N y-N QgsO y0 Years ago, a critical event ocrrured in my life that would change a forever I met kurt of success Monvation Incorporation for breakfast. While we were __36__. Kurt asked me,John, what is your ___37___ for personal growth. Never at a loss for words, I tried to find things to my life that __38_for growth. I told him about the many activities in which I was ____39___. And I went into a ___40____about how hard I worked and the games I was making. I must have talked for ten minutes. Kurt ___41____patiently ,but then he ___42_____smiled and said, You dont have a personal plan for growth, do you? No, I __43_____ You know, Kurt said simply, growth is not a(n) ___44____person. And thats when it 45 me,I wasnt doing anything 46 to make myself better.And at that moment,I made the 47 .I will develop and follow a peramal growth plan for my 48 . That night,I talked to my wife about my 49 with Kart and what I had learned,I 50 her the workbook and tapes Kart was sctting.we 51 That Kart wasnt just trying to make a rule,he was offering a 52 for us to change our lives and achieve our dream. Several imporant things happened that day,Fart,we decided to 53 the relceces.But more importantly,we made a commiment to 54 together at a couptle.From that day on,we learned together ,traveled together,and worried together .It was a 55 decidation.While too many couples grow apart,we were growing together. 36.A. working B.preparing C.thinking D.seeing 37.A. suggestion B.demand C. plan D.require 38.A.appeal B.look C. call D.qualify 39.A.involved B.trappde C. lost D.bathed 40.A. lecture B.apeech C. discunies D.detute 41.A. calculanted B. C. drink D.explaned 42.A.eagerly B. gradually C. gratefully D.finally 43.A admitted B interrupted C apologized D complained 44.A. automatic B slow C independent D complained 45.A. confused B informed C pleased D hit 46.A .on town B on purpose C on sale D on balance 47. A comment B announcement C decision D arrangement 48. A life B progress C performance D movement 49. A. contract B . conversation C negotiation D argument 50. A. lent B . sold C showed D. offered 51. A. recalled B. defined C. recugninal D. declared 52. A. tool B. method C .way D. rule 53.A.provide B .buy C. give D. deliver 54. A grow B .survive C. move D. gather 55.A difficult B .random C ,firm D. wise ,{ NRtqQ15\k\2R nR30R  NRwe NweTT@b~vA0B0C0DV*N y-N QgsO y v^(WT{aS N\ymў0 A  Day school Prohram Secondary students across Toronto District School Board(TDSB) are invited to take one or two e-Learning courses on their day school timetable. Students will temain on the roll at their day school. The on-line classroom probides an innovative,relevant and interactive Learning environment. The courses and on-line classroom are provided by the Ministry of Education These on-line courses are taught by TDSB secondary school teachers are part of the TDSB Students timetable;and appear on the Students report upon completion Benefits of e-Learning Include: Access to courses that may not be available at his or her TDSB school Using technology to peobide students with current information;and assistance to solve timetable conflicts Is e-Learning for You? Students who are successful in on-line course are usually; able to plan,organize time and complete assignments and activities capable of woeking independently in a responsible and honest manner;and , able to regularly use a computer or mobile device with internet access Students need to spend at least as much time with their on-line course work as they would in a face-to-face classroom course 56.E-Learning courses are different from other TDSB courses in that . A. they are given by best TDSB teachers. B.they are not on the day school timetable. C.they are not included on stadents reports. D.they are an addition to TDSB courses. 57.What do students need to do before completing e-learning courses? A.To learn information technology on-line. B.To do their assignments independently. C.To update their mobile devices regularly. D.To talk face to face with their teachers. B Chimps(ў)s)s) will cooperate in certain ways., like gathering in war parties to protect their territory. But beyond the minimum requirements as social beings,they have little instinct (,g) to help one another. Chimps in the wild seek food for themselves. Even chimp mothers regularly decline to share food with their children. Who are able from a young age to gather their own food. In the laboratory, chimps dont naturally share food either. If a chimp is put in a cage where he can pull in one plate of food for himself or, with no great effort, a plate that also provides food for a neighbor to the next cage, he will pull at random ---he just doesnt care whether his neighbor gets fed or not. Chimps are truly selfish. Human children, on the other hand are extremely corporative. From the earliest ages, they decide to help others, to share information and to participate a achieving common goals. The psychologist Michael Tomselle has studied this corporativiness in a series of expensive with very young children. He finds that if babies aged 18 months see an worried adult with hands full trying to open a door, almost all will immediately try to help. There are several reasons to believe that the urges to help, inform and share are not taught .but naturally possessed in young children.One is that these instincts appear at a very young age before most parents have started to train children to behave socially. Another is that the helping behavices are not improved if the children are remanded.A third reason is that social intelligenct. Developsinchildrenbeforetheirgeneralcognitivewv skills,atleastwhencomparedwithchimps..IntestsconductedbyTomtasell,thechildrendidnobetterthanthechimpsonthephysicalworldtests,butwereconsiderablybetteratunderstandingthesocialworld The cure of what children s minds have and chimps dont in what Tomaseflo calls what. Part of this ability is that they can infer what others know or are thinking. But that, even very young children want to be part of a shared purpose. They actively seek to be part of a we, a group that intends to work toward a shared goal. 58. what can we learn from the experiment with chimps? A Chimps seldom care about others interests. B. Chimps tend to provide food for their children. C. Chimps like to take in their neighbors food. D. Chimps naturally share food with each other. 59. Micheal Tomasellos tests on young children indicate that they____ A. have the instinct to help others. B. know how to offer help to adults. C.know the world better than chimps. D. trust adults with their hands full 60. The passage is mainly about ____ A. the helping behaviors of young children. B. ways to train childrens shared intentionality. C. cooperation as a distinctive human nature. D. the development of intelligence in children. C El Nifio, a Spanish term for the Christ child, was named by South American fisherman sho noticed that the global weather pattern, which happens every two to seven years, reduced the amount of fishes caught around Christmas. El Nifio sees warm water, collected over several years in the western Pacific, flow back eastwards when winds that normally blow westwards weaken, or sometimes the other way round. The weather effects both good and bad, are felt in many places. Rich countries gain more from powerful Nifio, on balance, than they lose. A study found that a strong Nifio in 1997 helped Americans economy grow by 15 billion, partly because of better agricultural harvest, farmers in the Midwest gained from extra rain. The total rise in agricultural in rich countries in growth than the fall in poor ones. 63. The data provided by ODI in Paragragh 4 suggest that ___ A. more investment should go to risk reduction B. government of poor countries need more aid C. victims of El Nifio deserver more competition D. recovery and construction should come first 64. What is the authors purpose in writing the passage? A. To introduce El Nifio and its origin B. To explain the comsequence of El Nifio C. To show ways of fighting against El Nifio D. To urge people to prepare for El Nifio D Not so long ago, most people didnt know who Shelly Ann Francis Pryce was going to become. She was just an average high school athlete. There was every indication that she was just another American teenager without much of a future. However, one person wants to change this. Stephen Francis observed then eighteen-year-old Shelly Ann as a track meet and was convinced that he had seen the beginning of true greatness. Her time were not exactly impressive, but even so, he seemed there was something trying to get out, something the other coaches had overlooked when they had assessed her and found her lacking. He decided to offer Shelly Ann a place in his very strict training seasons. Their cooperation quickly produced results, and a few year later at Jamincas Olympic games in early 2008, Shelly Ann, who at that time only ranked number 70 in the world, beat Janimicas unchallenged queen of the spirnt. Where did she come from? asked an astonished sprinting world, before concluding that she must be one of those one-hit wonders that spiring up from time to time, only to disappear again without signs. But Shelly Ann was to prove that she was anything but a one-hit wonder. At the Beijing Olympic she swept away any doubts about her ability to perform consistently by becoming the first Janimica woman ever to win the 100 meters Olympic gold. She did it again one year on at the World Championship in Briton, becoming world champion with a time of 10.73--- the fourth record ever. An Extension of the Human Brain A prosthetic nature  %The (71) % can help make up for our mental and emotional deficiencies as a wooden leg can compensate for a bodily deficiency. %It(72) % in our daily events extending our intelligence, Comprehending our feelings,and expanding the range of social Acti 4:>DFHPRTr t   " $ N P ֲ֤{rjrjrjrjr_ULULULULh6hyGOCJh6hyGOCJo(hSh4/CJaJh4/CJaJh4/CJaJo(hSh4/5CJaJo(h52hCJOJQJaJhHhyGO5CJaJhHhyGO5CJaJo("hHhW3,5CJOJQJaJo("hHh7G5CJOJQJaJo(hHh5CJOJQJaJhN.hG<OJQJaJhN.hG<OJQJo(>FHTt  $ P 6 D & h $dhG$H$a$gdH $dha$gdH $dhG$H$a$gdHdhgdH 6 B D $ & f h 24HJbdvx  .0XZBDz|jl,.RT<>hXhW3,H*aJo(hXhW3,aJhXhW3,aJo( h@?aCJh6hyGOCJh6hyGOCJo(N Jx 0ZD|l.T>dhgdHpr24T^|~:<rtDEmn-$&NP:<DFJdrtDF  LNhXhyGOOJQJaJhXhW3,aJhXhW3,aJo(Wr4~<tEn./&PdhgdH<F N( ~4 p @!!K"{"""# dh^gdH $dhG$H$a$gdHdhgdH&(~ !!!"""&#.###E$M$"%*%%%%%%%X&`&j&&& ''r's'''''''''''((k(l((() )))))))hXh|1RB*aJphhHhHaJo(hXh|1R>*aJhHh|1RB*aJphhHh|1RB*aJo(phhXh|1RaJhXh|1RaJo(E#|##$;$$$2%=%u%%X&&'s'''(l(( )))Z****@+dhgdH)))))X*Z*****>+@+++M,N,~,,-'-)-------- . ...(.).<.=.`.b.u.y......./ /2/8/[/_/////// 00M0Q0000122222 hHaJhXhbaJo(hXhb>*aJhXhbaJ hHaJo(hXh|1RaJhXh|1RaJo(F@+, ..b. // 0G1~1112Y2223R333 4L4445X555dhgdH dhWD`gdH223333$3/333R3d344,414M4`4444444 5 5*5.5H5P5h5k5u5z55555555566,6.6f6h666666㱣$jhohoUaJmHnHuhXh[OJQJaJhXh[OJQJaJo(hXhyGOOJQJaJhXhbB*aJph hHaJo( hHaJhXhb0J#aJhXhbaJ%hXhb0J#aJfHq 35,6.6h66666B88929d9999:G:r::: ;X;; <n<< $dha$gdH dhG$H$gdHdhgdH6666A8B8888999192979:9S9T9c9d9~9999999999::::F:G:q:r::::::: ; ;W;X;;;< <e<l<h>l>t>v>PEF FGννβhXhXKHQJaJhXhXKHaJ hHaJo(hXhX>*aJhXhXaJhXh[aJo(hXh[5aJhXh[5aJo(hXh[aJ=<<<=_====>>p>@BCG!IXIIIIJdJJJJJ ;dhWD`;gdH dhWD`gdHdhgdHGGGGG H HHH/H0H}H~HHHHHHH I!IWIXI|I}IIIIIIIIIJJ2J3JcJdJJJJJJJJJ K!K+K2KOKPKiKjKKKKKKKKKKKLLLLyM{MNN=N>NcNjNuNNNNNNOOhXh[aJo(hXh[aJhXh[KHaJTJ!KPKKKKKzMOOOOOOOOOVOOOOPLP dh`gdH dhG$H$gdH$;dhWD`;a$gdH ;dhWD`;gdHdhgdHOOOOOOUOVOOOOOOOPPP"P)P*PKPLPsPtPPPPPPPPPQQRQSQQQRRZS[SSSSS_T`TTTTTNUOUUU?V@VJVvVVVVVWWW hXhHhXhHaJhXhHaJo(hXh[aJhXh[aJo(hXhyGOOJQJaJhXhbaJhXhyGOaJhXh[OJQJaJBLPtPPPPPTVVWWW`qkd|$$Iflp## 6`#0#644 laytHdh$#&`#$/IfgdH$dh`a$gdH dh`gdH WWWWW5W6WY~YYhkd$$IflL0> p# 2 6`#0#644 laytHdh$#&`#$/IfgdH WW4WXXXX"XYYYYYY|YYYZ >Bfhj "$(BDFHJTdLNRVrv248<TVXbrxhXhH>*aJo( hXhHUhXhHOJQJaJhXhH>*OJQJaJo(hXhHOJQJaJo(hXhHaJo(hXhHaJDvities. Wonderful aspects Memory and judgment %On the Internet,we could quickly and easily locate the details,and check facts,without(73) % them in mind. %The internet makes us smarter over(74) % kinds of things.It provides a dozen definitions of a key term for us to find the (75) % of the matter. %The Internet enables us to exchange ideas with many others to (76) % our claims,and to (77) % our actions. The (78) sides of smartphones %Smartphones make it easier and more (79) % to check reality,watch video clips,read uxibo.%Smartphones(80) % the possibility for new and insightful minds,and steal away our dead time. ,{NR fNbh25R  Nbwe v^ cgqBl(u틙QN{150͋]Svez0 In recent years, internet voting has become increasing popular in China. People not only can use part-time votes themselves, but also urge others to vote for competition like the most beautiful reaches and the Cutest Baby. Li Ping, a high school student, is invited to vote in the Best Police Officer competition, organized by the local government to let the public have a better understanding of police officers hardly work, Li Ping visits the website and reads all the stories. He is deeply moved by their glorious deeds. He is already thinking of becoming a policeman himself in the future. Su Hua is invited by his uncle to vote for his cousin in the Future Singer competition. He has already received three similar invitations this week. His uncle tells him that if his cousin wins the competition, the family will win an overseas tour for free. Su Hua likes his cousin very much, but he finds other singers perform even better. To vote, or not to vote? This is a question that troubles him very much. (Q\OQ[) 1. (u~30*NUS͋QQ Nei2. (u~120*NUS͋`O[Q~bhyv wl v^(u2-3*Nt1ubnc/ed`Ovt1u0 Q\OBl 1.Q\OǏ z-N Nvc_(uSeS 2. \Oe-N NQsw[Y TTf[!h Ty 3. N_Qh0 2016nfؚI{f[!hbuhQV~NՋ_lςwS ST{Hh ,{NR(qQ20\;k\1R,qQ20R) 1. C 2. B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.A 10. C 11. B 12. B 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.A18. C 19.A 20. B ,{NR(qQ35\;k\1R,qQ35R) 21. D 22. B 23.C 24.A 25.C26.D 27.A 28.B 29.D 30. B 31. A 32. D 33.C 34.C 35.A 36.D 37.C 38.D 39.A 40. B 41. B42. D 43.A 44.A 45.D 46.B 47.C 48.A 49.B 50. C 51. C 52. C 53.B 54.A 55. D ,{ NR(qQ15\;k\2R,qQ30R) 56. D 57. B 58.A 59.A 60.C 61.D 62.C 63.A 64.D 65. B 66. C 67. C 68.B 69.D 70. A ,{VR(qQ10\;k\1R,qQ10R) 71. Internet 72. participates/joins73. keeping74. all/different/various75. heart/core76. check 77. judge78. z.xxkmixed/two 79. convenient80. reduce ,{NR(nR25 R) Possible version one: On-line voting becomes increasingly popular, and many competitions get people involved in it. It is beneficial to some people, while it puts others into a dilemma over whether to vote or not. zxx.k In my opinion, on@hjDFHJfkd$$Ifl40> p#` 2 6`#0#644 laytHdh$#&`#$/IfgdH JtvVXZ\^`bfkd5$$Ifl4 0> p#  2 6`#0#644 laytHdh$#&`#$/IfgdH \^`b "$&,.LNxyhi\]jk ķīhXh[aJhXh[aJo(hXh[5aJhXh[5aJo(hXhyGOOJQJaJhXh[OJQJaJ hXhHhXhHaJhXhH>*OJQJaJo(hXhHOJQJaJo(8^`b"fkdҎ$$Ifl40> p#` 2 6`#0#644 laytHdh$#&`#$/IfgdH"$&(*,.NynnnnnfXXX dhWD`gdHdhgdH dhG$H$gdHkdo$$Ifl40> p#  2 6`#0#644 laytH *:jď0`ʐ6ڑ v" $1$a$gdx<gdx<dhgdH dhWD`gdH:FJVX^bhjď.0<@LNTX^`Ȑʐ46ڑ tv̒ΒԒؒޒ“ ΕЕѻѲĨ hx<hx<hKhx<KHhKhx<KHo(hx<hx<KHh/hx<KH hx<KH hx<KHo(h/hx<KHo('hphx<5CJKHOJQJ^JaJ h jhx<hx<OJQJaJ<"PޕƪҪfmz{|}gdkdhgdH dhG$H$gdH $WD`a$gdx< WD`gdx<gdx<Еڕ,K~yz{|}~ʾhkB*aJphhY**hk5B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJphh7|Ajh7|AUh52h5CJaJh[OJQJaJhx< hxhx< hx<hx< hx<KHUhKhx<KHhx<hx<KH -line voting is an inseparable part of modern life and should be welcomed, since it is no more than a way to participate in public life. It makes no difference from ordinary voting events, in which candidates go around to seek supports. In addition, the Internet makes surveying and voting easy and convenient, regardless of time and space. Furthermore, voting on the Internet makes instant feedback possible. To be honest, zxx.kvoters sometimes feel annoyed, not because they hate voting, but because they are divided between emotion and fairness. Things will turn for the better if we can work out some participation rules for people to obey. Therefore, I hold a positive attitude towards on- line voting. (150 words) Possible version two: Internet voting is quite popular nowadays. Many people are somewhat puzzled at the negative side of the voting, although some are quite happy with it, zxx.k and active in doing it. In my opinion, internet voting has begun to show its negative impacts on people and society. Firstly, people may feel forced when asked to do things that they dont want to. Secondly, voting of this kind does not depend on the strong points of the competitors, but rather on how many social-networking resources they have. Thirdly, the voters or even the competitors in many cases are possibly taken advantage of by the organizers for commercial purposes. In short, internet voting, to some extent, is unfair, if not immoral, and cannot be trusted. Therefore, rules should be worked out and strictly observed. zxx.k Everyone in our society should help those in need, but it is more important to be sincere and earnest. (150 words)     dhgdHo WD~`o  9r &dPgd%6182P:pk. A!5"5#$%S |Dd:hfX  s 4A? 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