

  教育公平是社会公平的重要基础,促进教育公平是国家基本金宝搏188手机下载 。党和国家高度重视家庭经济困难学生上学问题,近些年中央有关部门密集出台相关资助政策措施,已建立起覆盖学前教育至研究生教育的学生资助政策体系,从制度上保障不让一个学生因家庭经济困难而失学。

  Educationalequitymatters because it is an important basis for social equality, and the basic education policy in China is to ensure greater equity in education for all. The Chinese government is committed to increasing the affordability and availability of education for low-income students. And competent authorities over recent years have introduced a series of financial aid policies and put into place a financial aid system that runs from preschool education to graduate education, to institutionally ensure the affordability of education for low-income students.

  一、 188金宝搏beat官网登录 学生资助政策

  A. Financial Aid for Students in Higher Education


  1. Undergraduate students and junior college students have access to national scholarships and grants, national student loans, tuition and loan compensation, on-campus scholarships and grants, work-study, living allowances, food stipends, tuition reduction programs and Green Channels.


  1.1 National Scholarships

  National scholarships are awarded to full-time undergraduates and junior college students, including those studying in vocational colleges or seeking a second bachelor’s degree. They are offered to 50,000 applicants across the country per year, and each eligible student will receive RMB 8,000 per year.


  1.2 National Endeavor Fellowships

  National Endeavor Fellowships are open to 3% of full-time undergraduates and junior college students, including those in vocational colleges or seeking a second bachelor’s degree, who are with extraordinary financial need and outstanding academic performance. Each eligible student will receive RMB 5,000 per year and cannot apply for national scholarships in the same academic year.


  1.3 National Grants

  National grants are offered to 20% of full-time undergraduates and junior college students, including those studying in vocational colleges or seeking a second bachelor’s degree, who come from low-income families. Each eligible student will receive RMB 3,000 on average per year.


  1.4 National Student Loans

  National student loans are a government-led program in which financial institutions provide loans to low-income students without requiring any collateral, to help them pay tuition and accommodation fees. In principle each eligible student can borrow no more than RMB 8,000 per year, and the loans and interests must be repaid in less than 20 years. Interest rates for the loans are determined by the benchmark interest rates published by the People’s Bank of China at the time of loan issuance, depending on term length. They are fixed for the life of the loan.The government pays the interest for the students while enrolled in school, and after leaving school, the students need to pay the interest and principal in a manner as agreed with the banks.There are two types of national student loans: 1) university-based loans issued by banks in the region where the university is located, and 2) home-based loans issued by banks in the region where the student’ s residence is officially registered. To apply for either of the loans, low-income students can submit paperwork to their universities, to local student loan authorities, and in some regions, to financial institutions directly.


  1.5 Tuition and Loan Compensation for Community Workers

  The compensation program is available to full-time college students from universities directly administered by ministries, who volunteer to work at community levels in remote and underdeveloped regions in central and western China for at least three consecutive years. The amount of compensation is determined by the tuition fees or loans that eligible students have paid or received, and can reach up to RMB 8,000 per year. The tuition fees and loans are compensated in a period of three years - one third of the total every year. In local universities, details of the program are determined by local authorities in accordance with policies of the central government.


  1.6 Tuition and Loan Compensation& Tuition Reduction for Enlisted Soldiers

  The program is offered to college students drafted into military service and provides one-time compensation for their tuition fees or national student loans. If they return to college after retirement from service, the students, including freshmen, are qualified for tuition reduction. The amount of compensation is determined by the tuition fees or loans that the students have paid or received while enrolled in school. Each returning student will receive up to RMB 8,000 per year in reduced tuition fees.


  1.7 Tuition and Loan Compensation for Junior Military Officers

  The one-time compensation scheme is open to college students enlisted as junior military officers. The amount of compensation is determined by the tuition fees or national student loans that the students have paid or the national student loans that they have received while enrolled in school. Each eligible student will receive up to RMB 8,000 per year in compensated tuition fees or loans.

  8.师范生免费教育。在北京师范大学、华东师范大学、东北师范大学、华中师范大学、陕西师范大学和西南大学六所金博宝最新官方网站查询网址 直属师范大学实行师范生免费教育。免费教育师范生在校学习期间,免除学费、免缴住宿费,并补助生活费。地方师范院校师范生资助由各地自行实施。享受师范生免费教育的学生可以申请国家奖学金,但不能申请国家励志奖学金和国家助学金。

  1.8Free Education for Future Teachers

  Free educationis available to students in Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Central China Normal University, Shaanxi Normal University and Southwest University, all of which are directly administered by the Ministry of Education. Students under teacher training programs will be exempted from tuition and accommodation fees and provided with living allowances. Details of the program for other teachers’ universities at local levels determined by local authorities. Eligible students can apply for national scholarships, but not national endeavor fellowships or national grants.


  1.9 Education Grants for Retired Soldiers

  The grants are available to self-employed soldiers who have retired from active service for at least one year and been admitted as full-time college students. They consist of1) tuition grants which can reach up to RMB 8,000 per year based on tuition rates set by provincial governments, and 2) living allowances for low-income soldiers, and 3) scholarships and grants in other forms.The latter two are provided in a manner consistent with relevant national regulations of grants for college students.


  1.10 Freshman Grants

  Freshman grants are offered to low-income admittedcollege students from central and western China, to help them travel to colleges for registration and pay for college living expenses in the short term. Each eligible student will receive RMB 500 when admitted to a university located in the province where the student resides, and RMB 1,000 when admitted to a university in a different province.


  1.11 Work-study

  Work-study programs provide on-campus part-time jobs and off-campus part-time job opportunities to all students, with a particular focus on those from low-income families. In principle students under these programs work for no more than 8 hours a week, or no more than 40 hours a month. And in principle their compensation will be no less than local minimum wage standards or subsistence allowances.


  1.12 School Programs

  School programs consist of scholarships, grants, living allowances, food stipends, interest-free loans and tuition reduction programs. They are funded by contributions from universities and donations from non-government organizations, businesses, public institutions and individuals.


  1.13 Green Channels

  Green channels are available to admitted full-time students who cannot afford tuition fees. Under the scheme, eligible students can register as scheduled and will be provided with financial support based on their financial need.


  2Graduate students have access to national scholarships and grants, on-campus part-time job allowances, national student loans, and tuition and loan compensation programs.


  2.1 National Scholarships

  National scholarships are awarded to graduate students with a record of strong academic achievement. They are offered to 35,000 master's degree students - RMB 20,000 each per year, and 10,000 doctoral students - RMB 30,000 each per year.


  2.2 Academic Excellence Scholarships

  Academic Excellence Scholarshipsare designed to boostgraduate students’ commitment to academic research, innovation and excellence. In universities directly administered by ministries, the coverage, size and implementation of the scholarships are determined by a wide range of criteria, including tuition fees, academic achievement, research performance, community services and financial background of the candidates. The amount of scholarships can reach up to 60% of national scholarships for graduates. The scholarships in local universities are implemented in accordance with policies of the central government.


  2.3 National Grants

  National grants are offered to full-time graduate students (exepct those formally employed) to help them pay college living expenses. Each eligible graduate student will receive no less than RMB 6,000, and each eligible doctoral student no less than RMB 10,000 per year.


  2.4 On-Campus Part-Time Job Allowances

  The allowance scheme is funded by educational appropriations, research revenue, tuition fees of the university, as well as public donations. It is available to students who work as research assistants, teaching assistants and administrative assistants on campus. In principle allowances for research assistants are offered as labor costs and indirect research spending, and those for teaching assistants and administrative assistants are borne by the university. The amount of allowances is determined by the university in accordance with national regulations and local price levels.


  2.5 National Student Loans

  National student loans for graduate students are offered in the same manner as those for undergraduates and junior college students. In principle the loans are university-based, and each eligible student can borrow no more than RMB 12,000 per year.


  2.6 Tuition and Loan Compensation for Community Workers

  The compensation program is operated in the same manner as that for undergraduates and junior college students. Each eligible student will receive up to RMB 12,000 per year in compensated tuition and loan.


  2.7 Tuition and Loan Compensation& Tuition Reduction for Enlisted Soldiers

  The programs is run in the same manner as that for undergraduates and junior college students. Each eligible student will receive up to RMB 12,000 per year in compensated loans or reduced tuition fees.


  2.8 Tuition and Loan Compensation for Junior Military Officers

  The compensation scheme is operated in the same manner as that for undergraduates and junior college students. Each eligible student will receive up to RMB 12,000 per year in compensated tuition fees and loans.


  2.9 Education Grants for Retired Soldiers

  The grantsare available to self-employed soldiers who have retired from active service for at least one year and been admitted as full-time college students under master’s degree programs. The grants are provided in the same manner as those for undergraduates and junior college students, and each eligible students will receive up to RMB 12,000 per year in tuition grants.


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