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  王国强院长代表学院致辞。他首先用英语对出席此次开学典礼的各位领导和嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎,同时热烈欢迎巴基斯坦远道而来的2位带队老师和17名留学生(It is my great honor to give the welcome speech on behalf of the college. Welcome the 2 teachers and 17 students from Pakistan. Welcome.)。王国强说,这部分学生现在开启了人生的新篇章,这个时刻不仅对他们自己意义重大,对我们学院来说同样如此(You will open a new chapter in your life. This time not only means a lot to you, but also to our college as well.)。巴基斯坦地处“一带一路”沿线国家,同时中巴之间一直保持着高度的国际友谊关系。以此为契机有助于我们来开办本次教育项目。(Pakistan is in the strategic countries according the national policy of the belt and road. At the same time, there is iron brotherhood between Pakistan and China. So this is a good chance for us to open the educational project.)。我院拥有61年的建校历史,现有学生7200余人,5个教学系,37个教学专业。(With a history of 61 years, there are over 7000 students and 5 departments including 37 majors in Gansu Vocational and Technical College of Communications.)。

  王国强希望这部分巴基斯坦学生在接下来的三年时间里,与我院学生在这所学校一起学习,一起生活,共同努力。希望同学们好好利用吉尔吉特地区社会经济和教育发展组织搭建的这一平台,珍惜这宝贵的机会继续学习深造。(During the following three years, you should learn together, live together and work together with our local students in this beautiful college. You should value this opportunity to further your study by the platform with socio-economic and educational development organizations.)。

  王国强还希望同学们能够尽快适应新的生活,树立远大的人生奋斗目标,积极参加学校的各项教学活动,努力提高自己的实践水平,严于律己,遵守学校的各项规章制度,共同传承中巴文化和友谊,共同营造一个文明、和谐、友好的国际化校园,并希望同学们将来参与到中国“一带一路”倡议中去,在自己的祖国发挥各自的聪明才智。(We also expect you will adapt the new life here as soon as possible, establish your lofty goals and participate in the college activities actively, strive to improve your practical ability, be strict with yourselves, obey all the college regulations and pass on our iron friendship to create a civilized, harmonious and friendly international environment on the campus, I also expect all of you will participate in the activities about the belt and road and develop your own country through your intelligence.)。

  王国强表示,如果有机会,将带领我院教师去巴基斯坦进行参观学习。(At last, I want to say that my spoken English is not good enough, but I want to go to Pakistan to visit and study if there is a chance.)。

  巴基斯坦吉尔吉特地区社会经济与教育发展组织执行官Aziz·Karim代表该组织和留学生家长,对我院各位领导表达了衷心的感谢(I wish to thank you all on behalf of Socio Economic and Educational Development, Gilgit, Pakistan and on behalf of the families of the students here),感谢我院为巴基斯坦的学生提供了这一继续学习深造、创造美好未来的机会(through this scholarship program you are going to help these children to pursue their education and provide the opportunity to make their future better),希望借此机会加深中巴双方的友谊(this educational program will make our relationship strong),促进双方国家和学院(组织)之间的教育、经济、文化和语言的交流发展(We need to improve the educational, economic and cultural exchange development between our two countries / colleges (organization),也希望我院今后能够接收更多的巴基斯坦学生,加强奖学金种类和力度,并进行双方师生互派合作(We are planning to enhance the scholarship program to send more needy and deserving students to China. We will send graduate and master level students into China and SEEDO welcome Chinese students and teachers to Pakistan)。


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