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2015-07-24 来源:BBC中国网

医生表示,窄腿牛仔裤可能会伤害你的腿。一篇最新发表在《神经学、神经外科学和精神病医学期刊》的报告说,一位身着窄腿紧身牛仔裤的澳大利亚女士 由于腿脚肿胀麻木,疼痛无比被送往医院接受治疗,她的腿肿胀到无法脱下身穿的牛仔裤,医生不得不先用剪刀剪开她穿的裤子后才能对她进行入院治疗。以下是 Richard Slee 的报道。

The 35-year-old woman had to be cut out of her jeans after she lost the feeling in her lower legs, which had become badly swollen.

The doctors said the tight jeans had caused a loss of blood supply as well as muscle and nerve damage.

The case study, which is published in an online medical journal, says the woman had spent the previous day helping a relative move house and a number of hours squatting as she emptied cupboards, feeling more uncomfortable as the day progressed.

The woman was treated in hospital for four days and is now thought to have made a full recovery.

Glossary 词汇表

swollen 肿胀的

blood supply 供血

muscle 肌肉

nerve 神经

relative 亲戚

squatting 蹲着

made a full recovery 完全恢复了健康

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