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http://en.jybest.cn  考试吧    2012-09-14    





  1.economics (P2)2.microeconomics(P2) 3. macroeconomics(P2) 4. scarcity(P2) 5.opportunity cost(P3) 6.economic goods(P5)7.economic services(P5)8. factors of production(P5) 9. natural resources(P5) 10. capital goods(P6) 11. labor(P6) 12.entrepreneurship(P7)


  1.economics经济学 2.microeconomics微观经济学 3. macroeconomics宏观经济学 4. scarcity稀缺 5.opportunity cost机会成本 6.down payment首付 7. economic goods经济物品8.economic services经济服务 9. factors of production生产要素 10.productive capacity生产能力 11.natural resources自然资源12.capital goods资本货物 13. labor劳动力 14.entrepreneurship企业家才能 15.consumer goods消费品16. finished products成品 17.human resources人力资源 18.business failure经营失败 19.managerial skills管理技能 20.financial gains财政收益 21.earn a profit赚取利润 22.production unit生产单位 23.Economic Systems经济系统 24.national economy国民经济 25.segmented economies分割经济 26.Command Economy指令性经济27.planned economies计划经济 28.Market Economy市场经济 29.privately owned natural resources and capital goods私人拥有的自然资源和资本货物 30.purchasing power购买力 31.modern industrial economies现代工业经济32.national defence国防 33.unemployment and inflation失业和通货膨胀


  1.Economists often divide the study of economics into two separate categories: microeconomics、macroeconomics.

  2. There are two important components to this definition: limited resources and unlimited wants. Together they form what is known as the problem of scarcity, which is the most basic of all economic problems.

  3.Economists use the term opportunity cost to refer to the next best alternative that is given up when a decision is made to use resources in a particular way.

  4. Factors of production, which are also called productive resources, are the basic resources needed for the production of economic goods and services. Economists, traditionally, have divided the factors of production into three basic categories: (1) natural resources; (2)capital goods; (3)labor. In addition, many economists add a fourth factor of production, entrepreneurship, to the list.

  5.Land, air, water, forests, coal, iron ore, oil, and other minerals are examples of natural resources.

  6.Factories, machines, tools, railroads, and business buildings are all examples of capital goods.

  7.The work of a janitor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, and the governor of your state are all examples of labor.

  8.Entrepreneurship may be defined as the function of combining and organizing natural resources, capital goods, and labor.

  9.Command economies are often called planned economies because the government engages in elaborate, detailed planning.

  10.In traditional economies, the basic economic questions of “what”, “how” and “for whom” are answered by people involved, and the answers are usually based on tradition ;In command economies, the basic economic questions are answered by government officials; In market economies, basic economic questions are answered by individual households、businesses through a system a of freely operating markets.


  1.What’s the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics? (P2)

  2.Give examples to opportunity cost. (P3-4)

  3.How many factors of production are there in the economic field? (P5)

  4.What are the differences between capital goods and consumer goods? (P6)

  5. Basically how many kinds of economic systems are there in the world? (P9)

  6.What are the three basic economic questions that every nation must answer? (P9)







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