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http://en.jybest.cn    考试吧  2014-04-02    



  金宝搏188入口 讯 2014年职称英语考试于3月29日举行,金宝搏188入口 外语栏目职称英语频道将第一时间发布2014年职称英语考试真题及答案,敬请考生关注!



  1 Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine which is based on the use of very concentrated essential oils from the flowers,leaves,bark,branches or roots of plants which are considered to have healing ptoperties.In aromatherapy these powerful oils are mixed with other oils,such as almond(杏仁)oil,or they are diluted(稀释)with water.These solutions(溶液剂)can be rubbed on the skin,sprayed in the air,or applied as a compress(敷药)。

  2 Many people have aroatherapy massages(按摩),and depending on the treatment aperson is having,the aroatherapist will massage the oil into the hands or shoulders.The massage is smooth and flowing,as it is designed to create a sense of relaxation and calm.The sessions are tailored to the individual's health and mood at rhe time,so every session is unique.

  3 Practioners of aromatherapy believe that the aroma of the essential oils directy stimulates the brain or that the oils are absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream,where they can affect the whole body and promote healing.Other claims in support of aromatherapy are that it aids digestion,imtproves the functiong of respiratory system,reduces muscular aches and pains,and promotes muscle relaxation and tone.It has also been argued that aromatherapy can improve circulation,lower blood pressure,and help combat insomia(失眠)and other stress-related disorders such as tension headaches,anxiety,and mild depression.

  4 However,while aroatherapy may hace real effects that promate a sense of well-being,some tradional medicine practitioners remain doubtful about its powers.While research has confirmed that aroatherapy does have some positive short-term effects on most people,it also suggests that aroatherapy is not an actual science or medicine that should be used to treat illness.Furthermore,not all aroatherapy is considered beneficial to health.There are precautions which shoula be taken bofore having aroatherapy because some oils can have negative effets on people with certain medical conditions.The study of aroatherapy is relatively new and unexplored.More research needs to be conducted to make scientific conclusions about its use and effects. (参考答案见下页)






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