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  金宝搏188入口 讯   为了帮助2013年职称英语备考的同学们,我们整理了职称英语考试相关学习资料,希望有助于大家的学习,祝大家顺利通关考试!


  Mall ofFew Words

  Everyone chases success, but not all of us want to be famous.

  South African writer John Maxwell Coetzee is__(51)for keeping himself to himself When the 63-year-old was named the 2003 Nobel Prize winner for literature earlier this month, reporters were warned that they would find him"particularly difficult to___(52)".

  Coetzee lives in Australia but spends part of the year teaching at the University of Chicago.

  He seemed___(53)by the news that he won the US$1 3 million prize "It came as a complete surprise. 1 wasn't even aware they were due to make the announcement, he said. His___(54)of privacy led to doubts as to whether Coetzee will attend Pnize-giving in Stockholm, Sweden, on December 10.

  But despite being described as____(55)to track down, the critics agree that his Writing is easy to get to know.

  Born in Cape Town, South Africa, to all English-speaking family, Coetzee___(56)his breakthrough in 1980 with the novel"Waiting for the Barbarians(野蛮人)"He____(57) his place among the world's leading writers with two Booker prize victories, Britain's highest onour for novels He first_____(58)in l983forthe"Life and Times of Michael k"and his second title came in 1999 for"Disgrace" A major theme in his work is South Africa's former apartheid(种族隔离)system, which divided whites from blacks____(59)with the problems of violence, crime and racial division that still exist in the country his books have enabled ordinary people to understand apartheid____(60)within.

  'I have always been more interested in the past than the future, "he said in a rare interview.'The past___(61)its shadow over the present. I hope I have made one or two people think ——(62)about whether they want to forget the past completely. "

  In fact this purity in his writing seems to be__(63)in his personal life. Coetzee is a vegetarian, a cyclist rather than a motorist and doesn't drink alcohol.

  But what he has___(64)to literature, culture and the people of South Africa is far greater than the things he has given up. "In looking at weakness and failure in life, "the Nobel prize judging panel said, "Coetzee's work____(65)the divine(神圣的)spark in man. "

  51A looked after B well known C locked D protected

  52 A catch B hold C run into D bump into

  53 A reported B influenced C distorted D shocked

  54 A like B devotion C love D attraction

  55A difficult B easy C ready D complex

  56 A forced B made C caused D did

  57 A gave B listed C tood D arranged

  58 A received B obtained C won D had

  59 A Dealing B Handling C Solving D Removing

  60 A in B out C of D from

  61 A covers B displays C spreads D casts

  62 A once B twice C three times D four times

  63 A written B hidden C mirrored D stricken

  64 A contributed B distributed C attributed D showed

  65 A tell B says C informs D expresses


  51 B 该段中有这样一个短语"particularly difficult to catch"(很难找到他),"well known for keeping himself to himself"是"以与世隔绝为大家熟知".可以看出,根据下文,用"well known"最为合适。

  52 A hold:抱住;拿住。run into和bump into都有"撞上"的意思,这是不由一个人的主观意志所能控制的。

  53 D 对第一段做解释时,提到了上下文可以帮助我们做出正确的判断。紧随其后的是"It came as a complete surprise."(这个奖来得很突然)。"shock"和"surprise"意思很接近,因此选择"shocked"是对的。

  54 c like作"喜欢"解时是动词,而此处需要的是一个名词。devotion后面跟"to",attraction是"吸引"的意思。填入后意思不太合适。因此只有"love"是正确的选项。

  55 A despite引导的是一个反比,主旬中有一个"easy",那么它的反义词就是"difficult".

  56 B "幻make a breakthrough"等于"t0 break through".是周定的搭配。

  57 c "t0 take one's place"是"处于某种位子", 是固定的说法。

  58 C 这里需要填入的是一个不及物动词,"received","obtained","had"都是及物动词,只有"won"既可作及物动词,又可作不及物动词。

  59 A 在这四个动词中,只有"deal"可跟"with"搭配。

  60 D 整个句子说的是:在处理这个国家依然存在的暴力,犯罪和种族隔离问题,他的书能使一般人从内部理解种族隔离。"从……角度"常用"from…".

  61 D "casts its shadow"是"给……带来影响",是固定的搭配。

  62 B "think twice"相当于汉语中的"三思而后行".正如汉语中不说"二思而后行"一样,英文中也不说"think three times",这是固定的说法。

  63 c 该句子的意思是,他作品中的纯洁性反映到了他的个人生活中,"mirrored"是"反映"的意思。

  64 A 从下文"far greater than the things he has given up"(比起他放弃的东西要多得多)来看,选择"contributed"是对的。全句说的是:但是,他对文学、文化、南非人民所做出的贡献比起他放弃的东西要多得多。

  65 D 其他三个动词填入后生成的都是不合格的句子。







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