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http://en.jybest.cn    职称英语考试网  2012-03-30    



  1 It is difficult to assess the importance of the decision.

  A evaluate     B comment

  C discuss      D report

  2 You must try to wipe out the memory of these horrible events.

  A strange      B terrible

  C unusual      D unfair

  3 He spoke in such a pleasant manner that I felt at ease with him at once.

  A confident     B relaxing

  C formal      D comfortable

  4 He worked so hard that eventually he fell ill.

  A then       B surely

  C finally      D recently

  5 He thought it better to begin working immediately.

  A at once      B recently

  C early       D rapidly

  6 As the headmaster made a long speech, the ceremony was prolonged by ten minutes.

  A quickened     B enlarged

  C enriched     D lengthened

  7 The animals in Australia are vastly different from those in Europe

  A chiefly      B greatly

  C mainly      D totally

  8 Poor people can't always live in decent conditions

  A popular      B famous

  C favorite     D acceptable

  9 Many people have the illusion that wealth is the chief source of happiness.

  A firm belief    B outlook

  C false idea    D vision

  10 When she was invited to dinner, she readily accepted

  A suddenly     B firmly

  C really      D willingly

  11 The manager gave us the identical cottage each summer.

  A temporary     B similar

  C same       D attractive

  12 Mary has derived a good deal of benefit from her job.

  A obtained     B accepted

  C bribed      D produced

  13 He is charming; nevertheless, I don't quite trust him.

  A however      B therefore

  C despite      D afterwards

  14 Her behaviour is extremely childish.

  A simple      B immature

  C beautiful     D pretty

  15 Even in a modernized country, manual work is still needed.

  A hard       B mental

  C simple      D physical


  1. A  2. B  3. D  4. C  5. A

  6. D  7. B  8. D  9. C  10. D

  11. C  12. A  13. A  14. B  15. D







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