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http://en.jybest.cn    职称英语考试网  2012-03-30    




  1 It is obvious that he will win the game。

  A likely       B possible

  C clear       D probable

  2 The earth moves around the sun。

  A before       B round

  C after        D over

  3 Did anyone call when I was out?

  A everyone     B someone

  C nobody      D anybody

  4 It took us a long time to mend the house。

  A build       B destroy

  C design       D repair

  5 I don't quite follow what she is saying。

  A observe      B understand

  C explain      D describe

  6 We can no longer tolerate his actions。

  A put up with     B accept

  C take       D receive

  7 Loud noises can be irritating.

  A hateful      B painful

  C stimulating     D annoying

  8 In the background was that eternal hum.

  A long       B never-ending

  C boring       D extensive

  9 The Constitution's vague nature has given it the flexibility to be adapted when circumstances change.

  A imprecise     B apparent

  C clear       13 easy

  10 Gambling is lawful in Nevada.

  A enjoyable     B irresistible

  C legal       D profitable

  11 These are the motives for doing it.

  A reasons      B excuses

  C answers      D replies

  12 The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west.

  A extends      B stretches

  C broadens     13 bends

  13 Many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics.

  A error       B puzzle

  C attraction     D contradiction

  14 With immense relief I stopped running.

  A no        B little

  C scarce      D enormous

  15 A great deal has been done to remedy the situation

  A maintain      B improve

  C preserve      D protect


  1. C  2. B  3. D  4. D  5. B

  6. A  7. D  8. B  9. A  10. C

  11. A  12. C  13. C  14. D  15. B







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