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  序号   常考搭配和词组        词义

  101           in effect                               实际上,事实上

  102           in general                            一般来说,大体上

  103           in favor of                          支持,赞成

  104           in front of                             面对,在...前

  105           in half                                 成两半

  106           in hand                               在进行中,待办理

  107           in honor of                         为庆祝,为纪念

  108           in line with                        与...一致

  109           in memory of                     纪念

  110           in no case                         决不

  111           in no time                         立即,马上

  112           in no way                             决不

  113           in order                               按顺序,按次序

  114           in other words                   换句话说

  115           in part                                 部分地

  116           in particular                         特别,尤其

  117           in person                             亲自,本人

  118           in place of                         代替,取代,交换

  119           in practice                           在实践中,实际上

  120           in proportion to                  与...成比例

  121           in public                              公开地,当众

  122           in quantity                           大量

  123           in question                          正在谈论的

  124           in regard to                       关于,至于

  125           in return for                       作为对...报答

  126           in short                               简言之,总之

  127           in sight                               被见到;在望

  128           in spite of                          尽管

  129           in step with                       与...一致/协调

  130           in tears                               流着泪,在哭着

  131           in the course of               在...期间/过程中

  132           in the distance                  在远处

  133           in the end                         最后,终于

  134           in the event of                 如果...发生,万一

  135           in the face of                   即使;在...面前

  136           in the first place              首先

  137           in the future                       在未来

  138           in the least                        丝毫,一点

  139           in (the)light of                    鉴于,由于

  140           in the way                         挡道

  141           in the world                       究竟,到底

  142           in time                                及时

  143           in touch                              联系,接触

  144           in turn                                 依次,轮流;转而

  145           in vain                                 徒劳,白费力

  146           in demand                               有需要,销路好

  147           on a large/small scale      大/小规模地

  148           on account of                    由于

  149           on(an/the) average               平均,通常

  150           on behalf of                       代表

  151           on board                             在船(车/飞机)上

  152           on business                        因公

  153           on condition that                如果

  154           on duty                               上班,值班

  155           on earth                              究竟,到底

  156           on fire                                 起火着火

  157           on guard                             站岗,值班

  158           on one's own                     独立,独自

  159           on purpose                          故意地

  160           on sale                               出售,廉价出售

  161           on schedule                        按时间表,准时

  162           on the contrary                  正相反

  163           on the grounds of            根据,以...为由

  164           on the point of                 即将...的时刻

  165           on the road                       在旅途中

  166           on the side                        作为兼职/副 业

  167           on the spot                       在场;马上

  168           on the whole                     总的来说,大体上

  169           on time                               准时

  170           once again                          再一次

  171           once in a while                偶尔

  172           once more                        再一次

  173           once upon a time            从前

  174           one another                         相互

  175           or else                                否则,要不然

  176           out of                                  从...中;由于;缺乏

  177           out of breath                         喘不过气来

  178           out of control                   失去控制

  179           out of date                        过时的

  180           out of order                       出故障的

  181           out of place                       不适当的

  182           out of sight                        看不见,在视野外

  183           out of the question           毫无可能的

  184           out of touch                       不联系,不接触

  185           heart and soul                          全心全意

  186           hand in hand                   手拉手 ,密切关联

  187           how about                             ...怎么样

  188           off duty                               下班

  189           over and over(again)           一再地,再三地

  190           prior at                                在...之前

  191           rather than                          不是...(而是)

  192           regardless of                       不顾,不惜

  193           right away                             立即,马上

  194           side by side                      肩并肩,一起

  195           sooner or later                   迟早,早晚

  196           step by step                      逐步地

  197           such as                              例如,诸如

  198           thanks to                            由于,多亏

  199           that is (to say)                就是说,即

  200           to the point                       切中要害,切题

  201           under control                       处于控制之下

  202           under the circumstances    这种情况下

  203           up to date                         在进行中

  204           up to                                   多达;直到;胜任;取决于

  205           what if                                 切合目前情况的

  206           what about                        怎么样

  207           word for word                     逐字的






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