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http://en.jybest.cn      2012-01-12  


Art Outside the Law


  A teenager wearing a dark 1)hoodie scrambles up a ladder to the top of a building.
  A 2)handkerchief covers his mouth, partly to conceal his identity from security
  cameras and partly to block out the 3)fumes from his 4)spray paint. In the dark, he
  rapidly begins to recreate his trademark design on the brick wall.


  Street art or 5)vandalism? Maybe 6)graffiti is both. Graffiti comes in many forms, from
  someone scratching a name on a wall to an enormous spray-painted 7)mural. Basically,
  any marking, drawing, or writing on property not belonging to the artist can be called
  graffiti. This definition might make us pause before we judge modern law-breaking
  spray-painters too 8)harshly. In fact, graffiti can be seen as one of the most ancient
  forms of art. Cave drawings can be considered graffiti, and graffiti was common even
  in ancient Greek and Roman times.


  Today’s graffiti has developed a culture and style all its own. The average modern-day
  graffiti artist is more likely to use spray paint or 9)markers than animal blood and
  vegetable 10)pigments. Graffiti has been adopted by different cultures that appreciate
  its unique aspects: the danger involved, and its status as a kind of “outsider art.” It is a
  way for people to display their talents—whether or not they are particularly talented—in
  a public place, instead of trying to get a painting in a serious art museum. Graffiti is
  often used for political messages as well.


  Most commonly, though, it is associated with hip hop. It is often done with oversized,
  11)distorted lettering, and many pieces have characters and drawings that are inspired
  by comic-book art. While many graffiti designs are nothing more than the artist’s graffiti
  12)pseudonym and do not seem especially creative, there are undeniably some artists
  who show imagination and talent.


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