http://en.jybest.cn 腾讯网 2008-11-11 大中小
It is almost impossible to mention religion without some debate issuing forth. Fundamentalist Christians like to use the Bible as their sole source of “revelation” and will argue for hours from its pages. Over history, people have developed strange misconceptions about the Bible and the tales it tells. This list hopes to put down some of the more obvious misconceptions people have about the Bible.
10 Adam and Eve’s Fruit
Contrary to popular belief, Adam and Even did not eat an Apple in the book of Genesis. The fruit is not actually named at all - it is referred to only as the fruit of “the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”. The reason this misconception has come about is most likely due to the fact that in Middle English, the word “apple” was used to refer to all fruit and nuts (except berries). Over the centuries, this word has stuck in reference to the Genesis fruit. [ Genesis 2:17]
10 亚当与夏娃的禁果
与现在普遍流行的说法相反,创世纪一章中亚当和夏娃吃的并不是苹果。事实上那个果子并没有被命名--它指的是“智慧树”上的果实。这个误解形成的原因可能是中世纪英语(Q吧)中,“apple”一词指的是所有水果和坚果(除了浆果)。几个世纪以后,这个单词被惯用于指创世纪中的果实。[ 创世纪 2:17]
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