http://en.jybest.cn 互联网 佚名 2015-10-23 大 中 小
I'm not sure.
What's her game?
I have no idea.
Do you know where my pen is?
I have no idea. /I have no clue. /No idea.我一点都不知道
It's all Greek to me. /I didn't know that.
John got married last week.
I didn't know that. 我怎么不知道/That's news to me.
I wasn't aware of that. /I don't know.
Do you know where she's from?
I don't know. /I have no idea.
Do you know the way to my house?
I don't know for sure. “确切地”
I don't know for certain.我不太清楚
I'm not absolutely sure.
No one knows for sure. 谁也不知道确切的情况
Is he married? --How should I know? 我怎么会知道.?/谁能知道?
What is the meaning of life?什么是人生?
Who knows? --Nobody knows.
No way of knowing.
There's no way of knowing.
It's impossible to find out.
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