http://en.jybest.cn 互联网 佚名 2015-10-23 大中小
I can't go today.
I understand. 知道了 /I don't understand.
See? /Do you see? /Do you 明白吗?understand? /Do you get it? --I get it.
I understand very well.完全明白.
I think I understand. 我想我懂了.
I see what you mean. 我明白你说的了.
I understand what you mean.
That makes sense. /I get the point.
I know that too well.我太清楚那种事了.
I think we need to expand. 扩展
If you change this, it will work.
I see your point.我明白你的意思.
I get it. /I don't get it.
You see?
I got it. /I see. 这样啊/原来这么一回事.
I know that much! 我还是知道的
I left because I didn't feel well.
That solves it. 原来是这样啊!
Well, that solves that.
That's that. *比较随意的说法。
You have to change your attitude.
All right, all right. I understand.好吧.好吧.我知道了.
L.A. is in California.
I know. 我知道呀
I know that. /I know it. /I didn't know.
I know that person. 我知道那个人
I'm acquainted with that person.
Do you know that man?
No, but I know him by sight. 见过
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