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http://en.jybest.cn  沪江英语网  CRI  2009-03-31  




  Tossing, turning, writhing and whining, the breathless pace of everyday life has left many Chinese sleepless. As the World Sleep Day falls on Saturday, our reporter Wang Ling talked with sleep experts to hear about scientific reaching a better sleep.

  Cui Shuliang is the founder of 51sleep.com, a major online advice solution for those yearning for a sound sleep. Formerly an IT technician, he found many of his peers suffering badly from poor sleep quality.

  "Each morning, I would hear complaints about someone who kept waking up during the night, while someone else had to spend all night fighting for sleep. So I got the idea to set up a website to help those missing sleep. Then I found it was really a large group that is in need of professional sleep advice."

  Pressed by busy city life, more and more urban residents in China are suffering from sleep problems ranging from insomnia to narcolepsy. Some people may be able to fall asleep, but spend the whole time in terror.

  A survey conducted by the Chinese Sleep Research Society shows that more than 42% of the country's population is disturbed by sleep disorders, which can result in lowered awareness and less productive days. Severe insomnia can even lead to psychiatric problems.

  Professor Zhang Xi, deputy director of the organization, says the focus for this year's World Sleep Day will be on scientific access to sleep.

  "We stress a scientific management of sleep, which includes boosting public awareness about sleep hygiene, and helping professionals improve their knowledge and clinical experiences with diseases related to sleep problems."

  Professor Zhang Xi explained that the causes of sleep disorders differ among cases, but more than 80% of his patients had trouble in sleeping due to tension.

  "That's why we suggest practitioners give special attention to sleep problems, since there remains a hidden danger in the patient's physical and mental condition. On the other hand, people with sleep problems should learn how to ease their mind and relax their nerves. Staying mentally and physically healthy, plus having a healthy daily routine, is the best way to realize a sound sleep."

  With the economic recession and employment tension, pressure may have an even firmer grip on the lives of many. Many are wishing that the World Day for Sleep can really give the sleep-deprived people a chance for a good rest.

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