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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津  Yvonne 编辑  2009-02-19    



  One source of unhappiness for people is feeling out of control of their spending – and this is a problem that's far more widespread now than it was a year ago. Feeling regret about having bought something is a very unpleasant sort of unhappiness.


  Being an under-buyer, as opposed to an over-buyer, I don't generally have much trouble avoiding overspending. I have more trouble prodding myself to make the effort to buy things I actually need.


  Nevertheless, even with my under-buying ways, I sometimes come home with something I didn't really need to buy. Stores use extremely clever strategies to winkle customers into making purchases. Here are some strategies to make sure you don't make purchases you regret:


  1. Be wary of the check-out areas. There are lots of enticing little items here; ask yourself if you really need something before you add it to your pile. How many times have I picked up a jar of Balmex?


  2. Get in and get out. The more time you spend in a store, the more you're likely to buy. Even better: don't even go in the store. Then you definitely won't buy.


  3. Question the need for an upgrade. You might want that device with a slick new function, or to get the improved version of what you have now, but do you really need it?


  4. Be polite to salespeople, but don't feel like they're your new best friends. Don't buy something because you're worried about hurting their feelings or having made them do a lot of work helping you or explaining products to you. (At the same time, be respectful of clerks' efforts. The other day, I was in Gap Kids, and I saw someone rifle through a pile of beautifully stacked shirts in a way that meant that they'd all have to be re-folded. Was he malicious or oblivious? I couldn't tell.)

  对销售人员要礼貌,但别把他们当成你新结识的最要好的朋友。不要因为担心伤害到他们的感情而去购买,也别因为他们的努力帮助或解说就非得买某样东西。(同时,还是要对店员的努力表示尊重。几天前,我在Gap Kids,发现有个人把一堆叠得整整齐齐的衬衫翻得乱七八糟,弄得每件都要重新叠过。他是恶作剧还是不自觉? 我不知道。)






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