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Telephone Vocabulary——常用电话用语

http://en.jybest.cn  金宝搏188入口     2007-03-23  


►Making contact
  • Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon ..
  • This is John Brown speaking.
  • Could I speak to .......... please?
    I'd like to speak to .......... please.
  • I'm trying to contact ..........

►Giving more information
I'm calling from Tokyo/Paris/New York/Sydney
I'm calling on behalf of (Mr. X ...)
►Taking a call
  • X speaking
  • Can I help you?
►Asking for a name/information
  • Who's calling please?
  • Who's speaking?
  • Where are you calling from?
  • Are you sure you have the right number/name?
►Asking the caller to wait
  • Hold the line please
  • Could you hold on please
  • Just a moment please
  • Thank you for holding
  • The line's free now ..... I'll put you through
  • I'll connect you now / I'm connecting you now.
►Giving negative information
  • I'm afraid the line's engaged. Could you call back later?
  • I'm afraid he's in a meeting at the moment
  • I'm sorry. He's out of the office today / He isn't in at the moment.
  • I'm afraid we don't have a Mr/Mrs/Miss ... here
  • I'm sorry. There's nobody here by that name.
  • Sorry. I think you've dialled the wrong number.
    I'm afraid you've got the wrong number.
►Telephone problems
  • The line is very bad. Could you speak up please?
  • Could you repeat that please?
  • I'm afraid I can't hear you.
  • Sorry. I didn't catch that. Could you say that again please?
►Leaving/taking a message
  • Can I leave/take a message?
  • Would you like to leave a message?
  • Could you give him/her a message?
  • Could you ask him/her to call me back?
  • Would you like him/.her to call you back?
  • Could you tell him/her that I called?
  • Could you give me your name please?
  • Could you spell that please?
  • What's your number please?

来源:Learn English Online

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