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http://en.jybest.cn  竞学网    2007-02-09  


  Has not seen for a long time, but your maxim I always bear in mind: Steamed bun honest valuable, the steamed stuffed bun price is higher, if has a temperature the spareribs, two all may throw. The lovable friend who is a bad influence, the valentine day is joyful!

  Hasn't the valentine day to, what had to deliver well, delivers antithetical couplet. First scroll: Opposes nonchalantly the eyes of a beautiful woman;Second line: Bows the head Gansu is the hoodlum; Streamer: The hoodlum long live! Wishes your valentine day to be joyful!

  I am willing to change to make a rose, is closely grasped by you in the hand, reveals fragrantly for you; I want to turn a chocolate, is contained gently by you in the mouth, lets you feel fragrant slides. The valentine day is joyful!

  If you are Kennedy, I am your Jia Gui Lin, is you is day and night beautiful; If you are Napoleon, I am your Josephine, refuses to balk for you! Prays for heavenly blessing you, the valentine day is joyful!

  Loves the rose fills the street corner, sweetheart's smiling face ripples in each quoin, inexplicably likes this original manuscript belonging to western the holiday, wishes you, the valentine day is joyful!

  Day, because had the sunlight therefore very blue; Because had the spring rain therefore is very green; Sea, because had the wind therefore is very wide. Heart, because had you therefore very beautiful is very beautiful! This valentine day has you only then to be perfect!

  You give me a look, I am not oneself for you! You give me a sound, I am utterly confused for you! You give me an information, I do not have the dormancy for a your night! Because valentine day nobody accompanies me, waits for you to ask me to eat meal.

  The month lacks when I think you, When month circle I read you, Regardless of the month full moon lacks, My heart like that permanent ancient invariable moonlight, Is following you silently!

  Flashes through Radden's following closely, evaded the American election the human tide, has hidden the ore difficult fierce detonation, bypassed Southeast Asia the tsunami attack. Experiences this all sorts of dangers, only said for and you: The friend, the valentine day is joyful!

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