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http://en.jybest.cn  金宝搏188入口     2007-01-17  


Expressions Heard In an Office

  "Mr. Lawrence, there's a call on line 2."

  "Miss Simon, get Acme Corporation on the phone, please."

  "Good morning, Lawrence Manufacturing. Miss Simon speaking. May I help you?"

  "Good afternoon. Thank you for calling Continental. How may I help you?"

  "Miss Simon, have Fred come into my office before he leaves the building."

  "Certainly, Mr. Lawrence."

  "Will you have time to go to lunch with me today?"

  "Miss Simon, make lunch reservations at Moreno's. I'm meeting a client there."

  "Wait! Hold the elevator for me!"

  "I'm going to take the stairs today."

  "Sam, did you brown-bag it today?"

  "No, I didn't bring my lunch. I thought I'd go to the deli today."

  "Rita, what options did you pick for your 401K?"

  "You've only been here a month. Why are you thinking about retirement already?"

  "Welcome to Continental Investments, Mr. Smith. This is the Human Relations Department."

  "Is that the same as Personnel?"

  "Yes, that's the old name for us. We need to fill out your W2 form for your payroll deductions."

  "Did you want me to send this letter by e-mail or by snail mail?"

  "Let's do it the old-fashioned way: type it, sign it, put it in an envelope and drop it in a mailbox."

  "Julie, will you please file these sales reports."

  "Julie, where did you files last month's sales reports?"

  "Mrs. Everett, I'd like you to type up that memo I left on your desk."

  "When you get that memo typed, see that all department heads get a copy."

  "Shall I fax the new proposal to the head office?"

  "Hey, Jim. How'd you make out with that new prospect?"

  "Call Maintenance, Mrs. Everett. The copier's jammed again."

  "Mrs. Everett, set up a conference call for me with Joe Baldwin and my attorney."

  "Tom, this is Morris Gruber. He's just starting today. Would you like to show him the ropes?"

  "Morris, this is the time clock. You've got to punch in before the bell rings or you will be docked."

  "What do you mean 'docked'?"

  "If the time card shows one minute past 8, you lose 15 minutes of pay."

  "That doesn't seem very fair."

  "Attention Employees: There will be no loitering around the water cooler during business hours."

  "Betty, did you see that new memo about employee parking?"

  "Yeah. All the big shots get to park right by the building and we have to walk half a block."

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