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http://en.jybest.cn  21英语网  佚名  2015-10-14  


Mentors make for miracles


Many of the successful business people were once unknowns, drawing their inspiration and determination from a role model or mentor. The need for advice and guidance is as real and pressing for today’s aspiring entrepreneurs.


21st Century invited Chen Xi, a senior career consultant at Zhaopin.com.cn, to discuss the mentor stories of US real estate tycoon Donald Trump and Twitter co-founder Biz Stone.


Biz Stone


“It might sound a bit corny but my other mentor is Evan Williams, my Twitter co-founder. We’re very different. He’s patient and takes a long view. He never shoots down my outlandish statements. He gets to the core of a problem by looking at things from various angles.”


— Biz Stone, 34, co-founder and Creative Director of Twitter, talks to the Financial Times.


In Chen’s opinion, a successful relationship between mentors and apprentices must be interactive. “You need to express your own point of view, even if it goes against your mentor’s,” Chen said. “Your mentor’s point of view will help you analyze problems from angles you can’t see.”


Moreover, you will also get experience working with various kinds of people. “Usually those who understand and respect individuality win long-term success for their companies.”


Donald Trump


“He (Donald Trump’s father) told me to ‘know everything you can about what you’re doing’. He was extremely knowledgeable and could even help out the carpenters. His four-step formula for success was simple: get in, get it done, get it done right and get out.”


— Donald Trump, 64, chairman and CEO of Trump Organization, host and executive producer of The Apprentice, talks to the Financial Times.


Chen agrees that entrepreneurs should become experts at their work.


“You have accountants and HRs to hand in taxes and buy insurance for you if you are an employee. But you must be hands-on in all these areas if you start your own business,” said Chen.


As for the four-step formula for success, Chen emphasized that the last step, “get out”, is important.


“Entrepreneurship is not the whole of your life. You also need time for rest,” said Chen. “Even if making money is your sole purpose, you still should know when it’s the right time to slow down, or even quit.”


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