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http://en.jybest.cn  沪江英语网    2009-03-13    



  I always try to keep job stress from spilling over into my personal life. Sometimes I fail. And now and then, a situation crops up that makes me regret it。


  After a long day at work recently, racing to hit deadlines and falling behind on my to-do list, I took a call from Josh, an installation guy for a new Internet service I'm trying out. I'd left a message for him hours earlier; I was already annoyed when I picked up the phone, and my impatience spilled into our conversation。


  He offered to come to my house two days later. Then we had to plod through my providing a credit card number, e-mail address and directions. By the time we hung up, I'd missed a couple of work calls and I was aware that I sounded grumpy ″ even though Josh remained pleasant and polite。


  Job stress can easily spill over into personal and family life. People who are relatively powerless service workers, children and other innocent bystanders often bear the brunt. I've written about how pent-up stress caused by dealing with impatient customers spills over into the personal lives of customer-service workers, who take their frustrations home and vent on their partners and pets. And within the family, most children say that if they were granted one wish on how to improve parents' juggles, they wish Mom and Dad would come home less stressed, according to a study of 1,000 children by Ellen Galinsky of the Families and Work Institute. Drawing solid boundaries between work stress and other people in your life can be critical。

  工作压力很容易就渗透进个人及家庭生活中。那些无权无势的人──服务人员、儿童以及其他无辜者──往往成了受害者。我曾经撰文指出,客户服务人员因为和坏脾气的顾客打交道而压抑的情绪怎样影响到了他们自己的个人生活,他们往往会把挫折感带回家,迁怒于家人和宠物。家庭与工作协会 (Families and Work Institute)的艾伦·盖林斯基(Ellen Galinsky)对1,000名儿童所做的调查显示,大多数儿童都表示,如果他们有一个关于父母工作的愿望可以成真的话,他们会希望父母回家时不要带着那么大的工作压力。在你的工作之外筑就一堵高墙、保护其他人不受你工作压力的影响是非常重要的。






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