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France and China agree to monitor climate change pledges

英国《金融时报》 迈克尔˙斯托瑟德 巴黎报道

China and France have agreed that any global pact on climate change at a meeting in Paris next month should include a mechanism to monitor progress on emission cuts every five years, with a view to ratcheting up commitments.


Fran?ois Hollande, France’s president, said that support for a monitoring system from China, the world’s biggest polluter, was a “major step” forward that created a “likelihood the Paris conference will succeed”.

法国总统弗朗索瓦?奥朗德(Fran?ois Hollande)表示,身为全球最大污染来源国的中国支持创建一个监测体系,是向着“巴黎会议将取得成功的可能性”迈出的“一大步”。

Mr Hollande was meeting Chinese president Xi Jinping in Beijing as Paris prepares to host delegates from nearly 200 countries to try to strike an accord to keep the rise in global temperatures below 2C, an internationally-agreed goal scientists say should be met to avoid risky changes in the climate.


France wants to reach agreement on a monitoring mechanism by the end of the Paris talks to allow for increased cuts to emissions in the future.


“[The agreement] doesn’t mean that the Paris conference is definitely going to be a success, but the conditions for success have been laid down in Beijing today,” said Mr Hollande.


This is in part because, according to the UN, the current pledges made by nearly 150 nations ahead of the conference will not be enough to meet the 2C target by the end of the century.


Environmental groups on Monday said the bilateral agreement between France and China was a step forward, showing intent by Beijing, and was in stark contrast to the country’s level of engagement ahead of the Copenhagen summit in 2009.


Jennifer Morgan, director of the climate programme at the World Resources Institute, said the support of China for this mechanism would help “put pressure on others,” such as the US and India to support it as well.

世界资源研究所(World Resources Institute)气候计划总监珍妮弗?摩根(Jennifer Morgan)表示,中国对这一机制的支持将有助于“对其他国家施压”,迫使美国和印度等国家也表态支持。

But the agreement was labelled an “incremental step forward” by campaigners at Greenpeace, who highlighted the vague language.


The statement said that each signatory to the Paris accord should have their progress reviewed every five years to see if they are achieving their “approved long-term goals”


But it remained unclear who would conduct the review or how it would be enforced, leaving the details to be hammered out in the coming weeks.


“This is no time for champagne. This bilateral statement should be another springboard instead of the last word for the Paris agreement,” said Jean-Francois Julliard, executive director of Greenpeace France.

“现在还不到开香槟的时候。这种双边声明应该是又一个跳板,而不是巴黎协定的定论,”绿色和平法国的执行主任让-弗朗索瓦?朱利亚尔(Jean-Francois Julliard)表示。

Mr Hollande said on Monday he wanted not just a mechanism but “the necessary upward revision of the national pledges every five years” included in the Paris agreement. However, this language was not in the declaration signed between Mr Hollande and Mr Xi.


The two presidents did declare their intention to release their own national strategies to develop low-carbon economies by 2050 as soon as possible within the next five years.


The state visit and joint-statement highlights the intense diplomatic efforts being made by Mr Hollande ahead of the Paris conference, which the government is keen to make a success.


China is a critical player in the negotiations. The success of the conference may hinge on debates over whether developed or developing countries should bear more of the burden for reducing emissions, and how this will be financed.



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