http://en.jybest.cn 英语阅读网 佚名 2015-11-16 大中小
Citigroup is testing new technology that will allow customers to withdraw money using retinal scanning.
The bank wants to replace PIN codes with biometric scanners that could identify customers using only their eyes.
Customers would use a smartphone app to key in the amount they want to draw out ahead of time.
As they approached the ATM, the app would link up to the machine and use retinal scanning to confirm the customer’s identity.
The ATM would then release the cash, providing the scanner recognises the individual.
Citigroup said the retinal scans would take 15 seconds to complete compared to 45 seconds for traditional transactions.
It would, they claim, be more secure and would mean that cards could never be skimmed at an ATM again.
The Wall St Journal reported that Citigroup has not set a date for when the retinal scanners would be introduced.
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