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http://en.jybest.cn  21英语网  佚名  2015-11-16  


Historic first meeting


On Nov 7, Singapore witnessed the moment when Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou met and turned a historic page in cross-Straits relations, Xinhua reported.


It was the first ever meeting between leaders of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits since 1949. They met in the full of their official positions and shook hands for more than a minute.


Official titles were carefully avoided. They were simply “Mr Xi” and “Mr Ma” to each other. They signed no agreement and released no joint statement, according to China Daily.双方都小心翼翼地回避了官方的头衔,他们简单地称呼对方为“习先生”和“马先生”。据《中国日报》消息,双方并未签署任何协议,也没有发布任何联合申明。

“It’s historic, because it’s the first, but I would not go as far as to say that it was very important, because it engaged in generalities. No specific issues were addressed, no promises were made that we know of,” J. Michael Cole, a fellow at the University of Nottingham’s China Policy Institute, told China Daily.诺丁汉大学中国研究所研究员J.迈克尔•科尔告诉《中国日报》:“这是历史性的会面,因为它是(1949年后)第一次会面,不过我并不会过分强调它的重要性,因为它只是泛泛而谈。两人没有讨论任何具体问题,也没有做出任何承诺。“

However, the meeting still matters a lot to the cross-Straits relations. “The meeting itself was a big achievement,” said Ei Sun Oh, a senior researcher at Singapore Nanyang Technological University. “It will lay a solid foundation for the future peaceful development of cross-Straits relations.”尽管如此,“习马会”对两岸关系依然意义非凡。“会面本身就是一大成就,”新加坡南洋理工大学高级研究员胡逸山说。“它将为未来两岸关系和平发展奠定坚实的基础。”

During the meeting, the two leaders acknowledged major achievements made in the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations since 2008. Both sides agreed to consolidate common political ground, promote peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and continue to stick to the 1992 Consensus.会谈中,双方领导人肯定了2008年以来两岸和平发展取得的成绩。双方同意巩固共同的政治基础,维护和平的两岸关系,坚持“九二共识”。

The 1992 Consensus is extremely important in cross-Straits relations. “The peaceful development of cross-Straits relations over the past seven years lies in adhering to the 1992 Consensus and opposing Taiwan independence,” Xi was quoted by Zhang Zhijun, the mainland’s Taiwan affairs chief, as saying at the closed-door meeting.1992年达成的“九二共识”对两岸关系具有极其重要的意义。国台办主任张志军援引习近平主席在闭门会议上的讲话说:“7年来两岸关系能够实现和平发展,关键在于双方确立了坚持‘九二共识’、反对‘台独’的共同政治基础。”

The 1992 Consensus was reached in November 1992. The consensus is that “both sides of the Taiwan Straits to the ‘one-China’ principle” while reserving the right for each side to explain the political content of “one-China”.


“Though many problems remain unsolved across the Straits, there are no hurdles so long as the two sides adopt dialogue and consultation on an equal footing under the one-China principle,” Zhang said in a statement.


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