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http://en.jybest.cn  可可英语    2015-09-28  


Since February 2013, when President Vladimir Putinannexed Crimea, we have found ourselves reachinginto the past specifically to the cold war to make sense of geopolitics.

自2014年2月俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔渠京(Vladimir Putin)吞并克里米亚以来,我们在理解地缘政治时往往需要回顾历史,确切地说是回顾冷战时期。

From the 1950s, the USSR had nuclear weapons to compete with American might. It led amilitary coalition, the Warsaw Pact, that intimidated western Europe. Soviet ideologyrepudiated all that Nato countries stood for in politics and economics.

从上世纪50年代开始,前苏联(USSR)拥有了核武器来与美国角力。它领导了恫吓西欧的军事联盟——华沙条约组织(Warsaw Pact)。苏联的意识形态与北约国家在政治和经济上的所有观念格格不入。

There were times, notably the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, when the world trembled at theprospect of imminent nuclear Armageddon. It remained a constant possibility, by accident ordeliberate action, until the late 1980s, when US President Ronald Reagan and MikhailGorbachev, his Soviet counterpart, began the process of strategic disarmament.

有几次,迫在眉睫的核末日魅影使世界不寒而栗,特别是1962年的古巴导弹危机。核末日的可能性(无论是出于意外还是蓄意)持续存在——直到上世纪80年代末时任美国总统罗纳德里根(Ronald Reagan)和时任苏联领导人米哈伊尔戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)开始战略裁军。

The reaction to Mr Putins actions in Ukraine from western leaders was swift and firm. USPresident Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and UK Prime Minister DavidCameron agreed on economic sanctions. The Russian economy, buffeted by the plunge inworld oil prices, sank further. Foreign direct investment dried up. Big Russian businesses joinedthe capital flight. In his December 2014 annual television message to the Russian people, MrPutin admitted hard times lay ahead while urging Russians to back him as the man to restorenational greatness.

对于普京在乌克兰采取的举动,西方国家领导人做出的反应迅速而坚决。美国总统巴拉克攠巴马(BarackObama)、德国总理安格拉默克尔(Angela Merkel)以及英国首相戴维愠蕓伦(David Cameron)一致同意对俄罗斯实施经济制裁。因油价暴跌而遭受冲击的俄罗斯经济进一步下滑。外国直接投资枯竭。俄罗斯大型企业加入了资本外逃的行列。在2014年12月向俄罗斯民众发表年度电视讲话时,普京承认俄罗斯面临艰难时期,同时敦促俄罗斯人支持他实现国家复兴。

Russia, humbled in the 1990s, offers fertile soil for nationalism and the more Mr Putin iscriticised by foreign leaders, the higher his domestic ratings. Yet his authoritarian methodsleave him vulnerable to the kind of unexpected protests that occur when people decideenough is enough. The miserable fate of Libyas Muammer Gaddafi is a stark example of whatcan happen when an autocratic leader falls from favour and fear of a civil commotion isnever far from the Russian presidents mind.

在上世纪90年代失去脸面的俄罗斯,为民族主义的滋生提供了肥沃的土壤——普京越是受到外国领导人的批评,他在国内的支持率就越高。不过,他的威权做法使他容易在人民觉得受够了之后遭遇那种意想不到的抗议。利比亚的穆阿迈尔愠乓菲(Muammer Gaddafi)的下场就是威权领导人失去权力后结局的鲜明事例,而对国内民变的恐惧始终让俄罗斯总统难以释怀。

This time, threats of nuclear holocaust do not spring so readily to Russian lips. Indeed, a treatyon further strategic arms reduction was signed as recently as 2010.


Moscow is certainly modernising its armed forces, which have proved more than a match for theUkrainians but the Russian technological base is woefully inferior to Americas. Mr Putin maybluster but the reality is that he cannot risk war with Nato unless he and his bloated elite arewilling to forgo the benefits of their ill-gotten riches.


Russia has developed from the pupa of communism into an authoritarian-capitalistcaterpillar. Authoritarianism and market economics can be found together elsewhere in theworld, in countries that are far more successful than Russia in diversifying their economies;Singapore is probably a more attractive model. Russia has no allies, save for a crumblingclient state in what is left of Bashar al-Assads Syria. Moscow sells a lot of military technologyto that regime but it is doubtful that Mr Assad pays up any more dependably than SaddamHussein, who was notorious for running up debts to the Soviet leadership.

俄罗斯已经从共产主义的蛹蜕变成一条威权资本主义的毛虫。在世界其他地方可以看到威权体制和市场经济并存的现象,这些国家在推动经济多元化方面比俄罗斯成功得多;新加坡很可能是个较有吸引力的典范。除了一个摇摇欲坠的附属国——巴沙尔阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)仍在掌控的那部分叙利亚——俄罗斯没有其他盟友。莫斯科方面向阿萨德政权出售大量军事装备,但是阿萨德在买单方面是否比萨达姆侯赛因(SaddamHussein)更可靠值得怀疑;当年萨达姆以拖欠苏联的债务出名。

All-out struggle between Russia and America on a cold war scale is not on the cards. What wedo have, however, is a situation that is bad and could easily worsen.


It is optimistic to expect Mr Putin to change course. For now, he gains esteem at home whenbullying the neighbours. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have genuine cause for concern. In thelonger term, experience suggests Mr Putin will prove a poor geostrategic thinker. He hasalready damaged Russian economic interests, which surely lie in securing western assistanceto build up the countrys ability to cope with competition from China.


Mr Putins frequent diplomatic overtures for a Syrian settlement deserve seriousexamination. But he shows no sign of disengaging from Ukraine; and, having loosed the dogs ofnationalism, he would find it hard to put them back in the kennel, even if he wanted to.


This makes for a less predictable global situation than the finely tuned balance of power thatprevailed during the cold war.


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