London
is
the
fifth
most
expensive
city
in
the
world
inwhich
to
live
and
work,
but
its
workers
are
notamong
the
top
average
earners
globally.
在全球生活成本最昂贵城市的排名中,伦敦位列第五,但伦敦劳动者的平均收入却未能在全球跻身前十位之列。
The
findings,
from
the
Swiss
bank,
show
that
the
widely
held
belief
among
Londoners
thatthe
city
is
painfully
pricey
to
live
in
has
some
basis
in
reality.
瑞银(UBS)的研究结果表明,伦敦人对于伦敦是一个生活成本高昂得令人痛苦的城市的普遍看法,是有一些现实依据的。
“This
suggests
London
isn’t
a
highly
priced
labour
market
in
terms
of
the
purchasing
power
ofgoods
[and]
labour
remains
quite
competitive
from
a
business
perspective,”
said
Bill
O’Neill,head
of
the
investment
office
at
Wealth
Management.
“这表明,就商品购买力而言,伦敦不是一个高价的劳动力市场,而从商业角度来说,其劳动市场的竞争依然相当激烈,”瑞银财富管理(UBS
Wealth
Management)英国投资办事处主管比尔攠尼尔(Bill
O’Neill)表示。
Excluding
rent,
London
is
the
sixth
most
expensive
city
in
the
world,
and
workers’
grossearnings
are,
on
average,
the
13th
highest.
剔除房租,伦敦是全球生活成本第六昂贵的城市,而伦敦劳动者的平均总收入则在全球排名第十三位。
compared
prices,
wages
and
earners’
purchasing
power
in
cities
worldwide
in
nominalUS$
terms.
It
found
that,
based
on
the
prices
for
a
standardised
basket
of
goods
andservices,
Zurich,
Geneva
and
New
York
City
were
the
most
expensive
cities
in
the
world.
Thecost
of
living
was
lowest
in
eastern
Europe,
with
Kiev
the
cheapest
city
in
which
to
live
andwork.
瑞银按名义美元比较了71个城市的物价、薪资和劳动者购买力。根据由122种商品和服务组成的标准化篮子的价格,瑞银发现苏黎世、日内瓦和纽约市是世界上生活成本最昂贵的前三个城市。东欧的生活成本最低,其中基辅是全球生活成本最低的城市。
also
found
that,
since
the
financial
crisis,
there
had
been
marked
divergence
in
relativelabour
costs
within
the
eurozone.
Since
2009,
gross
hourly
wages
have
fallen
by
per
cent
inDublin,
by
per
cent
in
Lisbon,
but
had
risen
per
cent
in
Milan.
瑞银还发现,在金融危机之后,欧元区各国的相对劳动力成本出现了明显分化。2009年后,都柏林的总时薪降低了2%,里斯本降低了15%,而米兰则上升了11%。
Workers
in
Zurich,
Geneva,
and
Luxembourg
earn
the
highest
gross
wages.
In
Nairobi,
Jakartaand
Kiev,
workers
receive
only
about
a
20th
of
average
gross
earnings
in
Zurich.
Salaries
wentfurthest
in
Luxembourg,
Zurich
and
Geneva,
whereas
those
in
Nairobi
and
Jakarta
had
thelowest
purchasing
power.
苏黎世、日内瓦和卢森堡的劳动者的总薪资最高。内罗毕、雅加达和基辅的劳动者平均收入仅为苏黎世的5%左右。卢森堡、苏黎世和日内瓦的购买力最高,而内罗毕和雅加达的购买力则最低。
It
would
take
workers
in
London
more
than
hours
to
earn
enough
money
to
buy
an
iPhone
6,compared
with
less
than
hours
in
and
Swiss
cities.
Big
Mac
costs
almost
three
hours
ofaverage
earnings
in
Nairobi,
compared
with
just
nine
minutes
in
Hong
Kong
—
the
lowest
—and
minutes
in
London.
伦敦劳动者需要工作逾41个小时才能赚到足够买一部iPhone6的钱,而美国和瑞士城市的劳动者只需不到30个小时的工作时间。在内罗毕,买一个巨无霸几乎需要三个小时的平均收入,而在香港仅需9分钟——香港的这一数值是全球最低的——在伦敦则需要12分钟。
But
the
affordability
of
a
Big
Mac
in
Hong
Kong
came
at
a
price.
People
in
Hong
Kong
work
thelongest
hours,
four
more
a
day
than
workers
in
Paris,
who
spend
the
fewest
hours
at
work.
但香港人对巨无霸的购买力是有代价的。香港劳动者的工作时长是全球最长的,平均每个工作日比巴黎劳动者多4个小时,后者是工作时长最短的。
On
average
people
worked
over
2,000
hours
a
year
in
major
cities,
most
of
them
in
Asia
andthe
Middle
East.
有19个城市——其中大多数位于亚洲和中东——的劳动者平均每年工作时长超过2000个小时。
The
shortest
work
schedule
and
highest
number
of
days
of
paid
vacation
are
enjoyed
byworkers
in
western
Europe.
西欧劳动者则享受最短的工作时长和最多的带薪休假天数。
The
study
of
wages
and
prices
has
been
running
since
1971.
The
last
one,
in
2012,
foundthat
London
was
the
10th
priciest
city
in
the
world,
and
wages
were
the
19th
highest.
瑞银对薪资和物价的研究从1971年持续至今。上一次瑞银发布研究结果是在2012年,当时伦敦在全球城市生活成本排名中位列第十,其薪资水平则排在第十九位。