http://en.jybest.cn FT中文网 佚名 2015-07-23 大 中 小
China’s market-tracking ETFs under pressure as more than half of stocks are suspended
英国《金融时报》 乔希 诺布尔 香港报道
A wave of stock suspensions has played havoc with exchange traded funds tracking Chinese markets, causing wild price swings and big price gaps between passive funds and the assets they track.
At least 1,400 companies — more than half of all listings — are on trading halts in China, to shield themselves from the dramatic equity market sell-off that has wiped trillions of dollars off the value of Chinese stocks.
The suspensions have left a number of ETFs holding frozen shares or derivatives linked to them, even as the funds themselves continue to trade.
One Hong Kong-listed ETF that tracks China’s small-cap board, the ChiNext, traded every day last week, despite more than two-thirds of the underlying shares it reflects being suspended. On Friday, the CSOP ChiNext ETF jumped by a fifth, while the index itself rose only 4.1 per cent.
上周,一只在香港上市的追踪创业板(ChiNext,即中国的小盘股板块)的ETF天天交易——尽管其追踪的股票逾三分之二处于停牌状态。上周五,南方东英创业板ETF(CSOP ChiNext ETF)跃升了五分之一,而创业板指数自身只上涨了4.1%。
Concerns have been growing globally over the potential mismatch between the liquidity of the underlying collateral that ETFs hold and that of their units.
The Bank of International Settlements warned last month that the growth of passive funds may have created a “liquidity illusion” in bonds, although analysts say the problems facing Chinese equity ETFs are specific to the idiosyncrasies of that market.
国际清算银行(Bank of International Settlements)上月警告,被动型基金的增长可能已在债券领域产生了“流动性幻觉”,尽管分析师们表示,中国股票ETF面临的问题是中国市场特殊性的结果。
Chinese shares have tumbled in the past month, as millions of retail investors unwind leveraged bets on the market. Beijing has responded with various supportive measures, including bans on short selling, and on stock sales by large shareholders. The central bank has also been funnelling money to brokerages to help them buy equities.
Trading volumes for many China-tracker ETFs have doubled over the past two weeks, as market volatility has risen. ETFs have experienced wild daily price swings as investors use passive funds for price discovery of suspended Chinese assets.
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